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jibi 10-30-2007 09:48 PM

BES 4.1 SP5 Delayed Until Feb 2008
Once again, BES 4.1 SP5 has been delayed, this time moving to FEBRUARY 25, 2008 release for General Availability (GA). This is a THREE MONTH delay on the product! Honestly, WTF RIM?!

*shakes head* I'm all for QA and such, but don't put concrete dates on products ON YOUR WEBSITE then change them a few weeks later, especially just a couple weeks before the stated date... pathetic!

Thanks for changing my Q4 testing and Q1 deployment plans...


hdawg 10-30-2007 10:35 PM

BLECH; this is crap. Lets see if we can't get an answer ... it makes us (well at least me) look like an ass (even more than I already do), when I tell people it is coming and then RIM does this.

... waiting for a response from RIM.

jibi 10-30-2007 10:39 PM

I started to write a rather long-winded email to my TAM and GAM, but I decided it best not to do so (especially with as much alcohol that I've had tonight). Regardless, I'm in full agreement with your opinions. It worried me a couple months back when they said they were going into beta with SP5, but I let the website dictate my plans (despite the little disclaimer notice). Needless to say, this really changes my plans for our International and Domestic BES server environments, which I was looking at January to upgrade to SP5 (after 2 months of testing here, post SP4 Domestic upgrade being finalized in the third/large phase this weekend). Bleh!

hdawg 10-30-2007 10:46 PM

I'm now wondering when MR3 will come out ... and what thats going to include. will it stick to the "pack of hotfixes" mentality or will we see functional changes. Meh, either way ... underwhelmed again.

markhatter 10-31-2007 06:39 AM

RIM have QA? First I've heard of it!

Bit harsh maybe but speaking as someone who used to work in ESS tech support at RIM, I know how frustrating this is for people.

noname 10-31-2007 06:55 AM

All boils down to bad management I suppose... I expected the delay anyway. I do not mind the delay if it is "relatively" lesser bugs, but again I can only hope this will happen.

hdawg 10-31-2007 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by noname (Post 722692)
All boils down to bad management I suppose... I expected the delay anyway. I do not mind the delay if it is "relatively" lesser bugs, but again I can only hope this will happen.

3 months though!?!?!? Sounds like they scrapped the whole thing and are starting over from scratch. Maybe they pulled people off this development and moved them over to 5.0 development / testing?

noname 10-31-2007 07:30 AM

Yeah sounds like it. Those who have TAM may try to ask whats going on but chances are they aint gonna tell you. I guess aggression in building richer features (e.g. WLAN, newer IT Policies, OTA Software Loading, existing bugs & etc...) and getting BES to grow ever bigger at such a rapid state itself really poise a great challenge for them; one that have got out of control - and hence the delay. For one thing I understand is they are getting BES Domino 4.1.5 certified full support for Domino 8. To me this is something major. I cannot say for the other platforms though.

Frank Castle 10-31-2007 08:47 AM

Maybe they can focus on getting out things they talking about in Q2 2007 .. like the BES monitoring pack (NeedTxt) repack!

jibi 10-31-2007 09:21 AM

BES 5.0 (Argon) - Originally slated for Nov 2007; delayed to May 2008; now delayed indefinitely

hdawg 10-31-2007 09:33 AM

I fear the only Argon I'll see in the next year will be coming out of the tanks in our server room when my server explodes from not having 5.0. guh.

jibi 10-31-2007 10:09 AM

LOL! Yeah, I can foresee that. It seems that what is now BES 4.1.5 was formerly planned to be Argon. I can't wait to hear the WES speakers this year concerning the Argon release that was being planned for WES 2008... that should prompt a bit of negative feedback. :) As much as I like this product, I'm honestly not understanding how SO MANY delays can happen, be it Web Desktop Manager, Monitoring Service, Mobile Voice System, BES 4.1 SP5 and BES 5.0, OS releases, device releases, etc. UGH!

JGonzalezGUS 10-31-2007 10:15 AM

Although we have Tx1 support I can't find anything about the upcoming SP5 (whenever that may be). Is there a URL I can go to to read about it?

hdawg 10-31-2007 10:19 AM

BlackBerry ... prepare to be disappointed.

JGonzalezGUS 10-31-2007 10:23 AM

QUICK! Thanks, hdawg. I added the link to my favorites.

DarthBBerry 10-31-2007 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by jibi (Post 722925)
LOL! Yeah, I can foresee that. It seems that what is now BES 4.1.5 was formerly planned to be Argon. I can't wait to hear the WES speakers this year concerning the Argon release that was being planned for WES 2008... that should prompt a bit of negative feedback.

I think I was sitting next to you (or was that AlanM?) at WES 2007 during the BES 5.0 announcement. My question, upon hearing the codename of Argon: "Isn't Argon a colorless, odorless gas that if exposed to large quantities can kill you?" So a BES with 5.0 and a large number of users could be fatal to BES Admins. Hmm.....

juwaack68 10-31-2007 10:59 AM


<-- Starts updating resume...Thinks "Am I qualified to be a greeter at WalMart?"

hdawg 10-31-2007 11:02 AM

not if you keep flashing people like that ... whats that, change number 48 of the week? :razz:

juwaack68 10-31-2007 11:09 AM

What? I haven't changed anything. You're jumping so much your eyes are crossed.

hdawg 10-31-2007 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by juwaack68 (Post 723021)
What? I haven't changed anything. You're jumping so much your eyes are crossed.

So I didn't see a pumpkin this morning?

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