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SanFrancisco 12-20-2006 02:02 PM

Bedroom True Confessions
Ok, true confessions time. What do you do with your Pearl when it is bed time? I'll go first.

Since I went totally wireless about three years ago, I do not have land line phones in my residence. The Pearl is it.

At night I take the Pearl to the bedroom. In there I have an AC charger USB cord strapped to the headboard so that the USB end is on the mattress. I then hook up the Pearl every night to the charger and leave the Pearl under my pillow.

In the morning the Pearl's alarm goes off if I don't wake up on my own.

Sidenote: But for all my qualities my girlfriends who have seen the Pearl set up in the BR would have thought I was nuts and dumped me in a heartbeat. :-o

paulbblc 12-20-2006 02:04 PM

Not my Pearl, sorry for the hijack, but my 8700 sleeps right next to me most nights.

mckinneycm 12-20-2006 02:09 PM

I leave mine on the Kitchen counter charging. I don't want to know what awaits me in the morning (i.e. emails, customer issues, etc...) until after I have my coffee. :razz:

snowskier79 12-20-2006 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by paulbblc
Not my Pearl, sorry for the hijack, but my 8700 sleeps right next to me most nights.

Not a pearl owner but charging (I know hijacking the thread) for the 8700c

SanFrancisco 12-20-2006 02:19 PM

What Do You Do With Your Pearl At Bedtime
See below, I double posted.

puckplayer4 12-20-2006 02:19 PM

Mine goes to sleep at 11 pm every night and doesn't wake up until 7 am...that way I too get my coffee. Oh, BTW, I typically only have to charge every other night.

BlackPearl 12-20-2006 02:23 PM

charging on nightstand next to bed. alarm set to mon-fri, as a backup to my clock radio alarm. auto off set to 3:00am, auto on set to 3:01am

Lucky#Slevin 12-20-2006 02:26 PM

I keep mine next to me, it goes to sleep around midnite and wakes up at 6:30 am

secrecyguy 12-20-2006 02:26 PM

This is a funny poll. :)

When I saw this title, I thought it was a spam or something.

ibrg 12-20-2006 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by secrecyguy
When I saw this title, I thought it was a spam or something.

And I thought it was a true confession… :x

ejmccartin 12-20-2006 02:47 PM

okay, I maybe sick like all of you, but I leave mine in the designated junk drop off point just inside the door. it goes to sleep at 11p and wakes at 6a most days. just can't see being attached 24/7. :wink:

Mjimenez0 12-20-2006 02:56 PM

Ahh mine is right next to me on my night stand but I turn off the data sometimes while i sleep so I am not bother at night.

teamcrn 12-20-2006 03:01 PM

Mine is on the nights stand charging.. i check it at night when i get up and use the restroom... since my email is on silent i have just gotten in to the habit of checking it all the time

dc/dc 12-20-2006 03:15 PM

Like San Fran, I am totally wireless and have been for 5 years. I leave mine on all night next to my bed, and charge it every other night or every two nights depending on my daytime usage. In general, I sleep through calls and messages during the night, so I don't mind leaving it on. My work phone is also on, and I usually wake up if that phone rings.

greggebhardt 12-20-2006 03:19 PM

Sorry got rid of the Pearl but the 8700c stays with me 24/7 and is never off

walds11 12-20-2006 03:21 PM

Is there an advantage to putting the device to "sleep?"

Mjimenez0 12-20-2006 03:22 PM

Yes, I think so it helps save battery life. I have realized anyway

bertiebassett 12-20-2006 03:24 PM

8700 on the floor next to bed. in silent mode. but have the alarm set to wake me up in the morning. Roll over check that the auto-gen emails from our servers have come in overnight and re-laxxxx - I know the IT kit is generally likely to be up and running...

rkkeller 12-20-2006 03:30 PM

I didnt see anything for me to vote on but I use the on/off timer to reset the Pearl everynight and it charges on a shelf in the living room.

With the title I thought it was going to be asking who took nudie pics or sound clips in the bedroom.:oops:

Mjimenez0 12-20-2006 03:31 PM

I thought the same thing

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