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mriff 03-26-2014 04:07 PM

GMO Crops?
So what is your take? This was posted on CNN this morning. Pretty typical sources. Non-scientists for science related content.

10 ways to keep your diet GMO-free -

One of the responses is pasted below. Really hard to believe that this person can even find the enter key on a keyboard. I just want to ask this person, bro, do you even science? :?

Monsanto if you are so proud if your product than why wont you label as such. "Contains GMOs"
The part that gets me is.
In the U S It is illegal to test...
Your food for genetic modification.
you will get sued or thrown in jail
Why did Eric Seralini conduct his research in France? To avoid prosecution. To provide results of eating GMOs beyond the 90 day test policies of Monsanto.
If roundup ready crops are so awesome than why are they developing agent orange corn?
because of the super weeds that have grown reseliant to round up.
Although we are not sure about the implications if eating GMOs, eating herbicides and pesticides is definitely not good for you. This poison gets absorbed into the soil and your food lets say corn.
SECONDLY GMO seeds are classified as pesticides and herbicides. They can not even be considered a real food.
My problem is that these companies spend 100s of millions of dollars campaigning against labeling in any state and are now working on a preemptive law that will keep states from passing there own laws. All to keep the people who dont know what a GMO is, in the dark.
If all these federally recognized institutions say GMOs are ok than it is right? TOTAL BS. Each one of these have a stake to make more money in the long run . If you were healthy than would never need to see the Dr. Medical equipment manufacturers, doctors etc would make less money. Its quidproquo and at the stake of your health and livelihood.
By the way to all the Monsanto Trolls out there go ahead and keep eating your round up infested crap. Drink some roundup and let us know if you can respond back.
I have come to the point where.... If you want to eat garbage go ahead and die. Thats your choice not mine. The crappy part is...I am now forced to pay for your healthcare while I take care of myself. I blame the obesity epidemic on Monsanto, Coca cola, Pepsi, frito lay and the milk industry. All these conglomerates use the power of persuasion to buy their products and thus creating this epidemic. Mostly due to the High Fructose corn syrup that is almost everything that is sweetened which cones from Genitically modified corn.

In conclusion I have found their colusion is intentional.
After all is said and done only the strong will survive and that will be everyone who grows their own food and eats organic.

djm2 04-03-2014 04:43 PM

Re: GMO Crops?
The rant somewhat reminds me of Jenny McCarthy speaking about the evil of vaccinations. And shame on the media for playing on the sensationalism aspect and the public fear-mongering. It is possible to have an intelligent, science-grounded debate about the GMO, but that doesn't have the buzz-factor that the media wants.

tsac 04-06-2014 07:25 PM

Re: GMO Crops?
Want to feel really good, check the ingredients in the food your eating. Just about everything contains Soy. Even when the label avoids the name it is still there in some form unless it specifically stated no soy.
Now the good part. All Soy plants are sprayed with roundup from Monsanto. As for the GMO, Monsanto has sued farmers who tried to grow foods they claim were "designed " by Monsanto and were able to keep most from market.

mriff 04-09-2014 12:44 PM

Re: GMO Crops?

Originally Posted by tsac (Post 1811533)
Want to feel really good, check the ingredients in the food your eating. Just about everything contains Soy. Even when the label avoids the name it is still there in some form unless it specifically stated no soy.
Now the good part. All Soy plants are sprayed with roundup from Monsanto. As for the GMO, Monsanto has sued farmers who tried to grow foods they claim were "designed " by Monsanto and were able to keep most from market.

Well, it's a wee bit more complicated than that. Not every soybean plant is sprayed with Roundup. Probably 60 to 70 percent would be a better guess. And sure Monsanto has sued farmers for replanting GMO crops. It's their right, of course, to do this. They are protecting their intellectual property. After all, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars developing these lines. They have a pretty big investment in this technology and hope to profit from it. No different than any other company protecting their IP, eh?

mriff 04-09-2014 12:46 PM

Re: GMO Crops?

Originally Posted by djm2 (Post 1811489)
The rant somewhat reminds me of Jenny McCarthy speaking about the evil of vaccinations. And shame on the media for playing on the sensationalism aspect and the public fear-mongering. It is possible to have an intelligent, science-grounded debate about the GMO, but that doesn't have the buzz-factor that the media wants.

Oh Jenny. So badly misinformed. And duped. By an unscrupulous and fraudulent 'scientist'. Actually what Andrew Wakefield did was criminal and he should go to jail for it.

mriff 04-10-2014 01:50 PM

Re: GMO Crops?
For GM food and vaccinations, the panic virus is a deadly disease

mriff 04-24-2014 02:13 PM

Re: GMO Crops?
GMOs, Journalism, and False Balance - Collide-a-Scape |

kathrynhr 04-29-2014 02:38 PM

Re: GMO Crops?
The problem I have with Monsanto is the cross-pollination issue that was raised in the great documentary "Food Inc" (on Netflix). The crux: if you're a farmer who doesn't use Monsanto seed, but you're next door to one that does, you can't harvest your own seed from your own crops anymore - as farmers have done for thousands of years - because your seeds have been aerially contaminated by nearby farms. They’re basically forcing non-Monsanto farmers to buy seed each year from third parties (whuch drives up their costs). If they don't, they may get prosecuted because their crops test positive for Monsanto's patented seeds... simply because of pollination.
Posted via Mobile

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