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prescottspies 09-07-2008 03:59 AM

MidpSSH on 9000 Bold - timeout error

I've got MidpSSH successfully installed, but I cannot connect to my linux box, as it keeps timing out with the error:
"Session Error
Writer: Tunnel timed out"

I can successfully ssh to my pc from other pcs, and my blackberry net connection is fine.

Can anyone suggest a solution please?

prescottspies 09-07-2008 06:10 AM

Now fixed! The problem was I had no APN set. I set it to orangeinternet and it works fine now.

Unfortunately I have multiple issues with it, it a) vibrates on each keypress, b) autocompletes with some previously entered command from bash history and c) won't allow me to delete with the backspace key!

rivviepop 09-08-2008 12:56 PM

After connecting, choose either Menu -> Input (create the content locally and send as one string when done typing) or Menu -> Type (sends each character as you type) to do the work. By default just hitting keys will do what you're seeing (vibrate, bash history, etc.).

prescottspies 09-08-2008 03:44 PM

Thanks rivviepop. This sort of fixed the problem, I was able to enter text using "type" but it was very slow to respond, and backspace only sometimes worked.

Annoyingly, I wanted to be able to attach to my screen session running irssi, but was unable to do so.

It seems crazy that the only alternative costs £50 / $95, I wasn't aware of the cost and unavailability of applications for blackberry before buying one. I love it apart from that to be honest.

BBAdmin 09-16-2008 11:37 AM

Jumping on an old thread but help a mod out if you can. I'm trying to install this on a Bold as a replacement for a users Curve which had this installed and can't get anywhere. When I try to add the ALX through the Application Loader I get the 'no additional applications found for this device' message. I was starting to think it didn't work on the Bold until I caught this thread. What version are you running and do you have a link as maybe what I have is too old/new.


Asskick 10-05-2008 06:42 AM

Try my custom build. I have it working on my Bold thru wifi/bis-b/apn

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