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jamesavila 12-03-2010 10:32 PM

ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
So I sold my ATT 9700 to another BBF user in Canada. I requested the unlock code from ATT and they stated they could not provide it to me due to exclusivity agreement between ATT and RIM. Aholes.

I ended up paying $14.99 to blackberryunlocker. they emailed the code within 5 minutes. i emailed the code to the buyer and it worked.

I thought carriers were obligated to provide the unlock codes...i guess they will do anything to try and keep customers.

NJBlackBerry 12-04-2010 12:34 AM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
They aren't obligated.
You thought wrong.

Dubdub 12-04-2010 09:46 AM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
Were you an ATT customer when you asked? Sometimes you can get it if you have been a customer in good standing (bills paid on time) for some period of time. But as NJ said, they are not obligated to provide it. It is just a courtesy.

jamesavila 12-04-2010 10:13 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
Yeah I still have two other blackberrys with ATT and have been with them since 2008.
But yeah I guess I thought wrong.
Posted via Mobile

snhrph 12-04-2010 11:06 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
I never had a problem obtaining an unlock code from att, blackberry or other phones.

We travel a lot and need to be able to use prepaid sims in other countries. Att always obliged.
Posted via Mobile

jamesavila 12-05-2010 06:35 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
I hear ya. I emailed the transcript to my buyer so he could see that ATT refused which then left me having to pay a third party for it.

Maybe it was because I told them I ported that line to tmobile. :)
Posted via Mobile

JSanders 12-05-2010 06:41 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700

Originally Posted by jamesavila (Post 1681236)
Maybe it was because I told them I ported that line to tmobile. :)

Although AT&T has been turning down more unlocks lately (since they are not obligated to do so), your not having the line with them EXPRESSLY is a reason for them not to provide the unlock code. You, or that line, is no longer a customer of theirs.

This is a perfect example of where you could have provided more information, or ALL the information up front and everything becomes clear.

jamesavila 12-05-2010 06:50 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
Jsanders: I stated above that I am STILL an ATT customer and have been since 2008. The particular line I'm talkin about was ported but I didn't think they would refuse since I still have TWO other active blackberrys with them.
Posted via Mobile

JSanders 12-05-2010 06:59 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
But not 'that' one. It does make a difference, really.
You didn't say that the line they have recorded for that BlackBerry had been ported.

Now, if you had activated this BlackBerry on an active line, and then called and asked for the code, told them you were traveling internationally and needed it, you likely would have gotten it. Free.

jamesavila 12-05-2010 07:17 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
Roger that. Good to know. Just didn't occur to me. Thanks jsanders.
Posted via Mobile

trax95008 12-07-2010 09:40 AM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
i to have NEVER been denied an unlock code from ATT. i just tell them that i plan to do some traveling soon.and also like mentioned above, the phone im asking the unlock code for has always been currently active and in use on my account.

TonyTone 12-10-2010 04:16 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
I just called yesterday - I've been with AT&T for more than 14 years. I was told that my device cannot be unlocked.

JSanders 12-10-2010 05:46 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
Tony... check out the CHEAP and trustworthy unlocks from our friend here:
BlackBerry Forums Support Community - Unlock Your BlackBerry!!

jamesavila 12-10-2010 06:26 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700
Tony you can use
Posted via Mobile

JSanders 12-10-2010 06:29 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700

Originally Posted by jamesavila (Post 1682741)
Tony you can use
Posted via Mobile

Meh, I wouldn't.

I'd use the one that supports this forum, sponsors contests here and is really overly generous. Plus, they're trustworthy, have a great reputation, and all around good guy.

jamesavila 12-11-2010 08:51 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700 what youre saying is that if the company isnt associated with BBF, they are not trustworthy?? really?
im a regular joe schmuck and i used blackberryunlocker and it worked...maybe they didnt kickback any money to this forum but doesnt mean they are not trustworthy!

TonyTone 12-11-2010 10:09 PM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700

Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 1682732)
Tony... check out the CHEAP and trustworthy unlocks from our friend here:
BlackBerry Forums Support Community - Unlock Your BlackBerry!!


JSanders 12-12-2010 12:01 AM

Re: ATT won't provide unlock code for 9700

Originally Posted by jamesavila (Post 1682959) what youre saying is that if the company isnt associated with BBF, they are not trustworthy?? really?

Oh, did I say that?

You think you can put words in my mouth? Pretty shoddy character you've got, trying to do that.

What I'm saying is that I'm very loyal to those who work with us.
Loyalty... it's something you might could learn a little of.

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