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Tom 10-27-2010 12:55 PM

Will you move away from BlackBerry?
There is lots of talk, but very little actual data to back it up. I am curious how many of you are considering moving away from your BlackBerry and moving on to another device that can do more for you in whatever category.

TXLady 10-27-2010 01:06 PM

Actually, multiple answers may apply. I moved to iPhone for my personal device but still use BB for work.

Tom 10-27-2010 01:13 PM

And any specific reasons as to why? The tour is not exactly a state of the art BlackBerry, so I am just curious what made you choose an Iphone?

juwaack68 10-27-2010 02:37 PM

I chose "I won't consider a move yet, I have faith RIM will come out with a competing device".

While I won't yet consider a move, it's not quite because I have faith in RIM. I like my BB for the keyboard and BBM. Mobile sites are improving with OS6, but have obviously not caught up with the iPhone....yet. I won't move to iPhone or Android because I either don't like typing on a touchscreen, or the slide out keyboards (think: HTC Epic) are horrid.

NJBlackBerry 10-27-2010 03:15 PM

I am trying everything out there - iPhones, Androids of many flavors - to try and find something that is "better" than a BlackBerry for me. Can't find it yet. Love the 9700, OK with the 9800, can't type a damn on the iPhone 4, Samsung Vibrant (Android) is OK but terrible battery life, and waiting for the G2 to come in.

Of course since one of my criteria is that the device runs Office Communicator, that limits anything not called "BlackBerry". Even Windows Phone 7 isn't shipping with OCS!

MidnightDraven 10-27-2010 05:03 PM

I'm none of the above:
I have moved, to a non-smartphone [or other brand].

devnull 10-28-2010 07:52 AM

I have considered moving, but cannot decide what other device would fit my needs.

Much like Juwaack, I dislike touch screen devices but love the blackberry keyboard and BBM.

asd87 10-28-2010 08:05 AM

I have moved on and came back but I'm gonna move on again..blackberry os is dead they are using such old technology and trying to call it new and its the samsung epic4G not're thinking of the EVO blackberry is truely a dead platform with over priced worthless apps and themes are outrageously over priced!! At any rate I'll be moving on to an android device
Posted via Mobile

jsconyers 10-28-2010 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by asd87 (Post 1668692)
I have moved on and came back but I'm gonna move on again..blackberry os is dead they are using such old technology and trying to call it new and its the samsung epic4G not're thinking of the EVO blackberry is truely a dead platform with over priced worthless apps and themes are outrageously over priced!! At any rate I'll be moving on to an android device
Posted via Mobile

The app and theme developers are the ones setting the prices, not RIM.

RIM is also completely revamping their OS. No, I am not talking about OS 6 either, although that is a step in the right direction. Do a search for QNX to see what the playbook is going to run on, and that is also going to be the new OS on their handheld devices as well.

Now, back on topic... I, too, have switched to an EVO some months ago and I am happy with my choice. But, it did take a while to adjust to a lot of things and there are still things I miss about the BlackBerry. However, I get my BB fix by carrying one for work.

rambo47 10-28-2010 10:57 AM

I have moved away from BlackBerry multiple times and always came back.

Went to Nokia phones for multimedia capabilities back in the days of the BB 7230. Tried a bunch of different Nokias and did the same thing each time. I tried to make them more "BlackBerry-like". The only rational thing to do was go back to BlackBerry.

When the Palm Pre first came out I left AT&T and my BB Bold 9000 (which I won in a contest right here at BlackBerry Forums!) and went to Sprint. I used Treo smartphones way back before discovering BlackBerrys, and while Palm's execution slacked off terribly, their concept of a conversion device for phone + organizer was revolutionary. Especially because it was geared to the consumer, not the business user as BlackBerrys had been. They had games, other fun apps, and even did email. At the time it was really quite something, marrying the excellent Palm Pilot organizer to a cell phone. But by the time the Treo 650 was the hot model the platform had major stability issues. That's what led me to the BlackBerry 7230 and the 7105t (an all-time favorite of mine). So I had this soft spot in my heart (and probably my head!) for Palm and I bought into the hype of WebOS and the Palm Pre. I lasted just long enough to get my mail-in rebate for the Pre and promptly put it on my shelf. I ran (not walked - ran) to the nearest Sprint store and bought another BlackBerry. My relief was palpable.

More recently I bought the Samsung Epic 4G for Sprint. Very interesting device, does tons of stuff, and has a gorgeous screen that looks like a mini plasma tv. Android is fun. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting some cool new app for Android. I loved the skymap and droidsat (for pinpointing the positions of all known satellites). But the Epic was too big go be used/carried comfortably, has releavitely short battery life, and just didn't do email like a BlackBerry. I gave it a good 4 weeks or so before putting it on the shelf next to my Palm Pre and re-activating my BB 9650.

I have no brand loyalty to RIM and BlackBerrys. I continually try the latest thing, and I will probably continue to do so. But BlackBerrys just get it done for me. And while no platform is perfect, nothing else is as good for my needs. Not even close.

ezrunner 10-28-2010 11:58 AM

The BlackBerry works well for me don't really want to learn a new device and the BB does everything I need it to. I have no reason to leave the product at this time
Posted via Mobile

Iare Tosevite 10-28-2010 04:03 PM

Considering it now. There is NO blackberry with front facing camera for VP software.

I find this increasing important.

TXLady 10-28-2010 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tom (Post 1668452)
And any specific reasons as to why? The tour is not exactly a state of the art BlackBerry, so I am just curious what made you choose an Iphone?

I like phones. When I was on TMO, I switched at least once a year and usually more often (including buying unlocked phones). When I switched to Verizon last year, I started with a Storm II but decided quickly that I hated it so switched to Droid within first 30 days. I stuck with the Droid 3-4 months before figuring out that while I liked some things on it, I could not stand the way it screwed up my contacts and calendar. (I sync both with Outlook. I know there are other ways but that's what I do and everytime I try something else, I am unhappy so I'm sticking with it for now.) So I got a personal Tour. I actually like the Tour but I wanted a touch screen. I did not like Verizon so decided to pay ETF for family plan and we all moved to AT&T. My brother (who kept his Storm II on Verizon) and I both got iPhones. I love it. It works very well. My contacts and calendar are properly handled as is my email. I just like the way it works. I like the touch screen on the iPhone (didn't like touch screen on Storm II; did like it on Droid). Doesn't mean I'll stay with iPhone forever or that I won't try a different BB in the future, but this is the first time in a long time that I haven't gotten bored or started looking for my next phone within 2-3 months after getting a phone.

Yes, battery life sucks on the iPhone. No, I've had no problems with the antenna thing -- I put an Incipio Feather case on the iPhone day 1 but I would have put one on it whether other people reported antenna problems or not (had one on my Tour). No proximity sensor issues. Etc. It works for me. But you know what, it's just a phone after all. (Well, and a nice gadget. I like gadgets.)

Dubdub 10-28-2010 04:09 PM

I left. Came back. Left. Came back. Left. Came back. You get the picture.

Always keep coming back to the BB because it always works. Client gave me an iPhone and paid the 1st year. But I came back to the BB after that.

blair thought 10-29-2010 03:03 AM

As long as I use BB, I won't left. For the time being, my BB works well for me. So, I will not left now.

widorrah 10-29-2010 11:21 AM

I have an 8320, for two years now.

I really don't see why I should invest in any of the newer model BBs.
I'm still waiting for that killer BB - something like an iPhone/Droid exterminator.

Needless to say, my vote falls into 'I won't consider a move yet, I have faith RIM will come out with a competing device.'

Tom 10-29-2010 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by widorrah (Post 1669045)
I have an 8320, for two years now.

I really don't see why I should invest in any of the newer model BBs.
I'm still waiting for that killer BB - something like an iPhone/Droid exterminator.

Needless to say, my vote falls into 'I won't consider a move yet, I have faith RIM will come out with a competing device.'

That seems to be a common thought. I really wish RIM would up their game.

aiharkness 10-29-2010 04:59 PM

I voted "I won't consider a move yet.." as that's the closest to my belief and situation.

I'm not "blackberry forever" because I am ready to switch in a moment if the BlackBerry doesn't meet my needs. And I am a little disappointed in RIM sometimes and the little steps instead of big ones between major device and OS upgrades that have been the norm since I've been using the product (though I think I have some appreciation for the balances that RIM is trying to maintain).
But the BlackBerry does meet my needs. I see myself as precisely the kind of "consumer" user that RIM is designing for. I do care about multimedia, but it's a matter of degree; phone, email, and internet access anytime anywhere is my priority, not entertainment. I don't care about games. I don't care if the other platforms have gazillions of apps; I have the ones I need. I don't care about lots of customization options and bells and whistles which to me is useless overhead. And I certainly would have no use for the fun and frolic of a device that can be hacked.

I think a big step is coming with the new QNX OS. Still, I don't know if it will make BlackBerry a "competing" device in the sense the poll means. As I say, I think RIM is marketing to users with different priorities.
Posted via Mobile

dc/dc 10-30-2010 07:09 AM

I moved on, but it wasn't really what I wanted to do... My hand was pretty much forced by T-Mobile USA tightening down on international usage, and Android was really the only viable replacement for me as a Gmail user.

mriff 10-30-2010 08:43 AM

My 9650 is work issued. I like the physical keyboard, and won't have a device that doesn't have one. I like the track pad. It's the most all around best blackberry I have owned. Even if it wasn't work issued, I'd buy one anyway. Looking forward to seeing what RIM comes up with in the future.

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