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RLM8888 06-16-2009 08:15 AM

Thinking Of Giving Up My Blackberry For...
I have been a Blackberry user for several years -- most recently, have gone from 8320 to the Bold. It does what I want it to do (email), but I miss other things I could elegantly do on it -- the web, photos, etc. I admire the iPhone a lot -- although the fact that it's email functions were pretty crappy (until now) put me off (keyboard was fine though) and now the new Palm Pre...I called my enterprise company and they said they think the Pre is fantastic and the best of both worlds. I am out of the country now, so I haven't seen it at all. But am wondering if anyone has any experience with it. Plus, my big concern: the keyboard. I'm "spoiled" by the Blackberry's keyboard. Will I be able to adjust??? Thanks for any feedback.

juwaack68 06-16-2009 08:33 AM

I, too, have looked at the Pre. My co-worker just switched to it after having an iPhone for 2 years and he loves it. The actual keyboard was one reason he changed, along with poor AT&T service where we work.

I'd have to find out if there are a lot of keyboard shortcuts (or any, for that matter) with the Pre before I'd switch. I use a LOT of them on the BlackBerry (T for top, B for bottom, space bar for page down, R for Reply, etc, etc). If the Pre doesn't have those then I don't want it.

ifonline 06-16-2009 08:51 AM

I would guess that at least currently, the Pre doesn't really take advantage of shortcut keys. Just a guess, though, and I would love to be wrong. I do think that as long as Palm is around (which is still uncertain this early in the game), the OS will receive regular updates to take care of missing/broken features. Palm needs this to work or they are gone.

Of course, bear in mind the current rash of issues being reported (screens shattering in peoples pockets, unresponsive gesture areas, splitting cases, detaching sliders, stuck keys, stuck pixels, warped screen colors, overheating...) and that Palm doesn't need these issues right now. Sure, someone will say that theirs doesn't have any of those issues, or that BB/iPhone/Android has the same issues, but what matters here is that these other companies aren't teetering on failure.

Just some things to consider.

hotburnttoast 08-27-2009 11:10 AM

I had the chance to test drive the Pre. I didnt like it one bit, the housing is a finger print magnet, I HATED the keyboard, and overall I felt device was slowwwww. The GUI was nice though. I wouldnt trade a BB for a PRE

Tragic 08-31-2009 09:32 AM

Just try it out... anything any of these guys say is crap until you try it out first hand. EVERY phone has had their share of issues, smart phones (especially the PRE) are under intense scrutiny & everyone has something to say. Its a matter of personal preference. Besides, Sprint (The only carrier of the PRE) has a 30 day return policy and the PRE has a 1 year manufacturer warranty that Sprint honors.

juwaack68 08-31-2009 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462487)
anything any of these guys say is crap

Wow, that's a little strong, don't you think? The OP asked for our OPINION, not to prove the theory of relativity.

NJBlackBerry 08-31-2009 10:12 AM

I guess Tragic only asks for feedback from people who share his or her exact point of view.

Tragic 08-31-2009 10:54 AM

This is definately the wrong forum to ask about an non-blackbery phone. None of the replies will be from PRE owners that use and get the full experience... just from blackberry owners, many in which loath at the fact of using a different phone. You're just gonna get the bad, rants and raves... all of which have been from stuff they read on the web, not by using it. You can call it an opinion... I call it crap. I don't think giving an opinion on a phone you don't use is relevant at all.

NJBlackberry - I didn't give my point of view or my opinion of the phone... I said "TRY IT YOURSELF." Thats the most useful tool for choosing a phone IMO

NJBlackBerry 08-31-2009 10:56 AM

Well, enjoy your stay here.

JSanders 08-31-2009 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462487)
... anything any of these guys say is crap until you try it out first hand.


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462561)
You can call it an opinion... I call it crap. I don't think giving an opinion on a phone you don't use is relevant at all.

And calling users' opinions here of which you know nothing about, is crap?

Sorry, your opinion of us is, then, crap. ;-)
Since you know nothing of us or those who post their opinion.

Tragic 08-31-2009 11:18 AM

Whoa, you're looking way too far into it. I use to forum for info on... blackberry's. I ask for info on... blackberry's. I ask for help on how to fix... blackberry's. You're opinion isn't crap... but if you don't use the phone, have researched all the issues on whats wrong with the phone, don't plan on every giving the phone a shot, and use a blackberry... I think you're opinioni on a phone your don't even use is crap. I know its harsh so I'll rephrase and say "unuseful."

Ok, this thread has officially been hijacked... if you have something to say to me my inbox is empty. This isn't helping the original poster at all.

jsconyers 08-31-2009 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462561)
None of the replies will be from PRE owners that use and get the full experience... just from blackberry owners, many in which loath at the fact of using a different phone.

And you are incorrect. I've used the Pre for about a week and my first thoughts were I liked it. But the battery life is horrible and the keyboard is too small for my liking. That is MY opinion/preference.

I posted about that a while ago here:

Just because you like the Pre doesn't mean everyone (including the OP) will. Why is it that you opinion of the Pre is not crap, but everyone else's opinion on the same device is crap?

NJBlackBerry 08-31-2009 11:32 AM

Obviously your opinion is crap.

ifonline 08-31-2009 11:42 AM

Notice what I said earlier:


Originally Posted by ifonline (Post 1407311)
Sure, someone will say that theirs doesn't have any of those issues, or that BB/iPhone/Android has the same issues, but what matters here is that these other companies aren't teetering on failure.

And notice what Tragic said:


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462487)
Just try it out... anything any of these guys say is crap until you try it out first hand. EVERY phone has had their share of issues, smart phones (especially the PRE) are under intense scrutiny & everyone has something to say.

See... I told you someone would make excuses.

ifonline 08-31-2009 11:52 AM

Now, to address this ass:


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462487)
Just try it out... anything any of these guys say is crap until you try it out first hand.

You have no idea who here has already used a Pre and still hated it, do you? Nope, you don't, but that won't stop you from spewing crap, now will it? Nah... didn't think so.


EVERY phone has had their share of issues, smart phones (especially the PRE) are under intense scrutiny & everyone has something to say. Its a matter of personal preference. Besides, Sprint (The only carrier of the PRE) has a 30 day return policy and the PRE has a 1 year manufacturer warranty that Sprint honors.
As I said earlier, someone was bound to excuse the phone, despite that Palm doesn't need issues right now, by making the argument that other phones have problems too.


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462561)
This is definately the wrong forum to ask about an non-blackbery phone. None of the replies will be from PRE owners that use and get the full experience... just from blackberry owners, many in which loath at the fact of using a different phone.

Really? So you know everyone here? Every single stinkin' person? You are either amazingly popular (doubt it), or a complete ass. I'm going to go ahead and assume the latter since I doubt you could convince me otherwise.


You're just gonna get the bad, rants and raves... all of which have been from stuff they read on the web, not by using it.
And the proof of this is what? How do you know that people here haven't used the Pre? Do you realize that there are people here that don't use BlackBerry devices? Nah... didn't think you knew that, or you would realize just how incredibly stupid your comments make you look.


You can call it an opinion... I call it crap. I don't think giving an opinion on a phone you don't use is relevant at all.

NJBlackberry - I didn't give my point of view or my opinion of the phone... I said "TRY IT YOURSELF." Thats the most useful tool for choosing a phone IMO
You're right. My bad. Funny, though, that while you say you didn't give your opinion of the phone, you did give your opinion of those of us that gave our opinion. And since you say that giving an opinion on something you know nothing about is not actually an opinion but is, in fact, crap, then that must mean that since you don't know me (or likely the others in this thread), then your opinion is, in fact, crap.

You really have your head screwed on wrong.

juwaack68 08-31-2009 12:06 PM

Just when I thought today was going to be boring ;-)

Tragic 08-31-2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by ifonline (Post 1462596)
You're right. My bad. Funny, though, that while you say you didn't give your opinion of the phone, you did give your opinion of those of us that gave our opinion. And since you say that giving an opinion on something you know nothing about is not actually an opinion but is, in fact, crap, then that must mean that since you don't know me (or likely the others in this thread), then your opinion is, in fact, crap.

You really have your head screwed on wrong.

And you don't know me... so you're opinion of me is crap? Is that right or did I miss something? Who has their head screwed on wrong? I guess I'm important enough for you to analyze every single sentence that I posted.

But whatever, If you look passed that one sentence you might actually see my point. I guess everyone can post an opinion... but me. I understand now.

Tragic 08-31-2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by juwaack68 (Post 1462602)
Just when I thought today was going to be boring ;-)

I know, I'm making some popcorn right now HAHAHA. There's nothing like internet drama.

NJBlackBerry 08-31-2009 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462604)
I understand now.

Highly, highly unlikely.

John Clark 08-31-2009 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Tragic (Post 1462607)
...There's nothing like internet drama.

Especially when it appears to be self-induced.

I think I've learned the true meaning of thread crapper

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