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ObliteRon 05-22-2009 01:10 AM

Latest OS: 8703 (Platform
Finally, an official OS 4.5 for the 8703e! Thanks Sprint!

Sprint 8703e support page:
Support - BlackBerry 8703e

Click the "Check for Updates" link for info and download link for OS 4.5!

As always, for a non-Sprint device, delete VENDOR.XML.

I'll have to wait 'til Tuesday to load it on a spare work device.

mmaldin 05-22-2009 06:10 PM

Downloaded, installed and its working, HTML email, wow. I may be content with this old phone for a while longer. To soon to give an in depth opinion, but no problem with the upgrade.

mmaldin 05-25-2009 07:08 PM

Update after a few days:

HTML email makes this a new phone, its great
No performance degradation, upgraded from 4.2.xx
Voice notes recorder is nice
GPS works but is slow.
Browser is faster

cattyhouse 05-26-2009 06:47 AM

well, i took it as for 8700 , i am sorry

G8tK33per 05-26-2009 12:33 PM

Successfully installed, seems to be ok other than the Enterprise Activation taking longer to get started compared to the last 'upgrade'.

ObliteRon 05-27-2009 02:16 PM

Finally had a chance to update one of our Verizon 8703e handhelds today. No issues, but I was surprised to see that only Word To Go and Slideshow To Go are installed; you have to register (free) to download the latest update including Sheet To Go.

JSanders 05-27-2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by ObliteRon (Post 1392959)
you have to register (free) to download the latest update including Sheet To Go.

That is correct, and the way it has been with all version of 4.5 OS.

ObliteRon 05-28-2009 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 1392961)

Originally Posted by ObliteRon (Post 1392959)
Finally had a chance to update one of our Verizon 8703e handhelds today. No issues, but I was surprised to see that only Word To Go and Slideshow To Go are installed; you have to register (free) to download the latest update including Sheet To Go.

That is correct, and the way it has been with all version of 4.5 OS.

I could've sworn that the Bold OS 4.5 already included Sheet To Go (along with Word To Go, etc.), but maybe I'm wrong.

mmaldin 05-28-2009 10:54 AM

Found a bug in either my phone or the OS. The battery indicator stays on full unless I pull and re-insert the battery. Anyone else?

brownhead 05-29-2009 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by mmaldin (Post 1393620)
Found a bug in either my phone or the OS. The battery indicator stays on full unless I pull and re-insert the battery. Anyone else?

Yes I got the same annoying problem - Im going back to 4.2

mmaldin 05-29-2009 11:52 AM

4.2 had a wav file player that allowed me play voicemail that is emailed to me from my voip land line. Wav files are not supported by 4.5.
The malfunctioning battery indicator is a nuisance. Not sure if I will keep 4.5...but....HTML email is a real plus.

G8tK33per 05-29-2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by mmaldin (Post 1393620)
Found a bug in either my phone or the OS. The battery indicator stays on full unless I pull and re-insert the battery. Anyone else?

Yup. Battery indicator and battery level in 'Status' showed 100% all day. Powered off, removed/replaced battery and the level went to 80%.

Have to keep an eye on that...

Scott8586 05-29-2009 02:25 PM

Odd, the battery level indicator works fine for me on a Verizon phone... ?!?

crankyjellyfish 05-30-2009 09:10 PM

Sprint Blackberry 8703e OS no Compose MMS
I upgraded my blackberry from 4.2 to but do not have an option to Compose MMS. I have an MMS folder, but no ability to create one. I've rebooted, resent service books, provisioned, etc. Anybody know why there's no Compose SMS menu item?

G8tK33per 06-03-2009 02:00 PM

I've noticed over the last couple of days that if I plug it into my laptop to charge, the correct battery level will be displayed after several seconds both in 'Status' and on the battery level indicator.


rabbe 06-03-2009 03:51 PM

i have a sprint 8703e flashed to metro pcs. can i upgrade my software to 4.5? what will this upgrade actually do for my phone? what is the correct way to do it???-----newbie

G8tK33per 06-11-2009 10:44 AM

Oh well, enough of the battery-thing. Rolled it back...

mmaldin 06-11-2009 12:20 PM

I have considered rolling back but the html email is hard to give up.

croat1an 06-15-2009 09:58 AM

Me too...

Originally Posted by mmaldin (Post 1393620)
Found a bug in either my phone or the OS. The battery indicator stays on full unless I pull and re-insert the battery. Anyone else?

I have the exact problem after upgrading to this new OS 4.5 on my Sprint 8703e Blackberry. It seems that indicator works while charging, but once fully charged it simply stays at the max level until the battery is removed and reinserted. I was surprised one day when I saw that the indicator didn't move yet the phone was beeping at me as if the battery is low. Sure enough, I took the battery out and put it back in to find to my surprise that it really is low! It has done this to me repeatedly each time I charge it, it's stubborn. Anyone there with some fix available?

dimsum 06-15-2009 04:52 PM

tried this on my bell 8703e and it didnt work ?

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