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popdaddy1 01-18-2010 07:52 AM

Curve Eats Media Cards!!!!!!!!
Som1 PLEEEEZ help me, im about to lose my mind. Ive been thru 5 media cards and 2 separate blackberry curve phones, and STILL my phone keeps eating my media cards. EVERY 2-4wks, my card gets errors, and Ive read how to go do the system disc error check in properties/ tools. The problem is it NEVER recovers my ringtones and videos! I spend HOURS downloading ringtones, apps off of crackberry, dl movies from my puter, and then - poof - its gone in an instant. PLEEEZ som1 help, or Im getting a different phone altogether. I dont have hours upon hours every month to keep uploading and replacing lost media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 diff media cards, diff brands, diff storess, diff PHONES!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:x

dankarlinski 01-18-2010 07:57 AM

Wirelessly posted (White and Nerdy)

WTF!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!

Your favorite phrase I see.

First of all, calm down!

What do you mean it "eats cards"? You say It gives errors, what do they say?

popdaddy1 01-18-2010 08:31 AM

standard media error msg - the media card you inserted has errors.. please use a disc error check to correct.. or something like that. I back up my bb to desktop.. but the point is that SOMETHING keeps making these media cards mess up. Sometimes its after I disco from desktop. Sometimes its first thing in the morn when my phone turns on and my alarm goes off.. sometimes the phone will just freeze up, restart itsself like I used alt+shift+del.. then when it powers back up - boom.. media error msg. All im putting on here is usual stuff.. cartoons for my kid, music for my car, and ringtones for my phone. I say WTF, cuz Ive been on phone with bb, had a new os put on the first phone, had a 2nd phone sent out, have gone thru 5.. count em.. FIVE media cards with 2 diff phones. Precious pics got lost on the first 3 errors because I didnt know how to back it up. This is WAY more attention than a person need be paying to a friggin bb. I juss wana do what it says it does! lol

popdaddy1 01-18-2010 08:35 AM

this is obv a problem that bb knows about - they put out a msg as to how to go about fixing erred media cards. So obv they hav been getting bombarded with these probs. I also see these same forum discussions elsewhere, but nobody seems to know the WHY factor. WHY does it keep happening? Sumthins wrong.. is it me? Is it the phone? is it the media?

juwaack68 01-18-2010 08:36 AM

Can you PLEASE speak in English, with some thought to spelling? Your posts are very difficult to read.

popdaddy1 01-18-2010 08:46 AM

listen im trying to get help, not get *****ed at 4 spelling. Im rushed.. bb is blackberry.. som1 is someone.. sumthin is something.. it aint brain surgery buddy.. its just shortened words.

juwaack68 01-18-2010 08:51 AM

Ya, I can read teenage lingo, as I have a teenager. However, I even require he speak and text to ME in complete words and phrases so that he doesn't sound illiterate.

What KB article are you referring to when you say RIM knows about this issue (at least I think that's what you said).

takeshi 01-18-2010 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by popdaddy1 (Post 1549234)
listen im trying to get help, not get *****ed at 4 spelling. Im rushed.. bb is blackberry.. som1 is someone.. sumthin is something.. it aint brain surgery buddy.. its just shortened words.

If you want help then be clear. I don't even read posts that can't be bothered to use sentences and paragraphs any more. It's not worth the headache and I'm sure I'm not alone in this. Help us help you.

If you don't have the time to actually write the post then try putting it off until later when you do have some time to focus and edit your writing. It will definitely pay off. I can understand being upset but filling your post with multiple exclamation marks won't help with troubleshooting at all.

Where are you getting media cards from? What brand are they? I've personally had nothing but trouble with non-reputable brands.

MidnightDraven 01-18-2010 09:08 AM

If it happens on more than one BB, with more than one card, its a file you put on it thats the problem.

popdaddy1 01-18-2010 09:18 AM

Listen guys. Let me spell this correctly so not to lose you. All I want is blackberry assistance. I am an educated 35yr old businessman with a degree. Let's focus on the issue.. My blackberry. Not my spelling. This isn't the spelling bee website- its the blackberry forum website. I apologize if I have a few misspellings out of 200 words posted. If you can't decypher that som1 is someone or sumthin is something, then obc you guys are not the ones to speak to about BLACKBERRY. Issues if you can't figure out a few misspelled words.

Now, with that said- will you please comment on the Problem with my PHONE??? GEEZ.. If I wanted an english class I wouldve gone elsewhere. (Oh, sorry I didn't use an apostrophe in wouldve..darnit)

juwaack68 01-18-2010 09:22 AM

I suggest you answer the questions that were posed above if you want assistance.

And also lose the attitude. From your previous posts, you sounded like an 18 year old high school dropout (but then you wouldn't have a BlackBerry). This is not the spelling bee website, but if you are not willing to take a few extra minutes to write a post that is somewhat legible, then people will not be quick to help since they can't read it.

JSanders 01-18-2010 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by MidnightDraven (Post 1549241)
If it happens on more than one BB, with more than one card, its a file you put on it thats the problem.

Very possible.


Originally Posted by takeshi (Post 1549240)
Where are you getting media cards from? What brand are they? I've personally had nothing but trouble with non-reputable brands.



Originally Posted by popdaddy1 (Post 1549234)
listen im trying to get help, not get *****ed at 4 spelling. Im rushed.. bb is blackberry.. som1 is someone.. sumthin is something.. it aint brain surgery buddy.. its just shortened words.

Well slow down and be patient. If this is that large an issue, and you've gone through two BlackBerrys and five media cards, it deserves some painstaking attention, not rushed analysis. The fact you're a 35 year old businessman with a degree is even more reason to act like what you say you are, not some attitude-riddled punk.

jsconyers 01-18-2010 09:28 AM

First, welcome to the forums.

Now that that's out of the way way. If you're really seeking assistance, show the ones that are attempting to assist you some respect. I would really suggest doing that to get some in return. Also, for being a "35 year old professional", you certainly do have a very childish attitude and your spelling and lack of proper grammar goes right along with that.

There were questions asked in which it appears that you've deliberately avoided answering. There are also some things about your post that tell me you don't know what your talking about. You said that you downloaded apps to your media card. This is not possible with BlackBerry devices.

Furthermore I have a ton of users using the Verizon 8330, each with an SD card and NONE of them are having issues. This tells me the problem is you.

So, now help us help you.

What kind of card is it?
Where did you get it?

Since it happened on different phones and different cards as you claim. The issue is likely a file you are placing on the card.

popdaddy1 01-18-2010 09:39 AM

Look guys. I'd appreciate HELP.. With my blackberry issue. This IS a blackberry forum, correct? Not a spelling bee website? I think your focus should be on the blackberry issue, not whether some guy in his car trying to get an answer is spelling all his words correctly. I appreciate that some of you "don't waste time on reading these kind of posts". So if that's you, just don't comment at all. Leave the space for someone who DOES want to help. All I'm asking for is assistance, not a spelling class.

This past time I only had 1 movie on the media card, and it was never on there before. Other than that, its just apps (aplications) and ring tones from crackberry website. And pictures. That's it- nothing unusual. The card types are scandisk and lexar; I bought them from walmart, best buy, and big lots. Like I said- different cards, diff stores, diff phones even. Same results..

juwaack68 01-18-2010 09:49 AM

What application is on the card? As of yet, no applications can be stored on a media card.

JSanders 01-18-2010 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by popdaddy1 (Post 1549263)
Other than that, its just apps (aplications)

Again, as stated before, you can't install applications to your Media Card.
So, just in case this is a clue to your ill cards, WHAT did you install to your Media Card, what file names, etc.?

Details help, don't just repeat the same thing again, please.

Filenames, App names, etc.

popdaddy1 01-18-2010 10:15 AM

You guys are rediculuosly mean on here. Don't you understand when a person is upset and frustrated? Perhaps those looking to help me and answer my question should take that into consideration. Also, my blackberry is slow to add replies so I can view them.. I can only respond to 1 person at a time- I'm not avoiding answering questions. That's just an absurd statement.

If you can help, please help. Otherwise keep comments to yourself about NON blackberry issues. I don't log onto your posta and attack your grammar, education, levels of maturitƯ, or anything else. It pisses me off that you guys CLAIM you want to help but just whine about useless stuff like grammar.

Can anyone help with anything other than spelling advice? Thanks.. I'm sorry in advance (to those who honestly try to help) if. I miss a post while replying to idiotic responses about grammar. I didn't know elementary school teachers policed this website.

JSanders 01-18-2010 10:20 AM


1. Quit whining.
2. Answer our questions IF you want help. DETAILED answers.
3. If you want to tell everyone how to run this website, please second-guess yourself and don't. This is a community forum. If you make yourself look silly in public, people will comment. Same as if you walked about your office acting like a 14 year old, people would comment. Same here.

juwaack68 01-18-2010 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by popdaddy1 (Post 1549287)
Also, my blackberry is slow to add replies so I can view them..

If you are viewing the site from your BB Browser, you may wish to use the mobile-friendly URL instead. It's

arieltf 01-18-2010 11:54 AM

You should always regularly backup the files on your media card. Media cards don't last forever. It also makes restoring the card easier. It only takes a couple of minutes depending on how many files you have.

You should definitely backup your media card if you are going to do any scans or repairs on it.

FYI, when I plug my BB into my work computer (Windows XP) and enable Mass Storage Mode the computer doesn't find errors in the card. When I plug my BB into my home computer (Windows Vista) and enable Mass Storage Mode the computer usually says there are errors in the card. I click on "Don't Repair" or whatever it says. My card works fine anyway.


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