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blackberrymuffin 09-24-2010 06:19 PM

New 9105 user
Hello everyone

New pearl 9105 user and I have a quick question. I'm struggling to set up my email for personal email. The email wizard icon is not in the setup folder and the only email settings I can get to is bes which is no use to me as I only want personal email.

The manual shows a 4th icon for email settings in the setup folder but it's not there on my phone.

It's a 3uk phone so any help would be appreciated. 3s Indian call centre are pretty much useless too!

devnull 09-24-2010 06:24 PM

Do you have a Blackberry Data Plan on your account?

blackberrymuffin 09-24-2010 06:26 PM

I don't have blackberry add on but I do have unlim (2gb) data. I didn't want the extra cost as I don't need bes or bbm.

But that wouldn't stop the phone having the email setup icon missing would it?

devnull 09-24-2010 06:30 PM

I'm not familiar with the details of "3uk" plans. But I can tell you that if you want BB email, you need a BB data plan. A generic data plan is not the same. You might call "3uk" and ask them.

Dubdub 09-24-2010 09:35 PM

Moved to the appropriate section.

For email and other RIM related services such as BBM, maps, Facebook, BB browser, etc., you must have the BB data plan. Some UK carriers call it a "BB bolt on". A generic data plan as you have won't work.

blackberrymuffin 09-25-2010 04:32 PM

I can use my normal Internet for browsing Internet so why can't I use it to fetch my email. I don't need bes or bbm. It just seems very krafty that blackberry make it so that I have to pay an extra £5 a month just to get something that every other phone does straight away.

I understand bes will get my emails in real time but I'd be perfectly happy with it just retrieving them every few hours like every other phone does.

So out of curiosity what does the blackberry add on give me that my normal 2gb Internet won't considering i don't need bes email or bbm?


Dubdub 09-25-2010 05:27 PM

It will give you access to all of the RIM services, BIS/BES email, the BB Browser, WiFI (on some carriers), BBM, maps, Facebook, etc.

Have you perhaps thought that the BB might not be the device for you? No offense, but it seems to me that you really don't need what it provides.

Maybe this will help: What do I need a Data Plan for? - BlackBerryFAQ

aiharkness 09-25-2010 05:27 PM

It isn't "krafty" and RIM/blackberry isn't pulling a fast one.

Blacberrys are different. The device is not a commodity. It is the hardware tool to access and use the blackberry services, which require a blackberry-specific data plan as opposed to the service provider's regular mobile data service. That's the way it is if you want the blackberry service. If you don't need it, then you don't need it.

See and the article on using a blackberry on a generic mobile data plan. If that doesn't work for you and you don't need and don't want a blackberry data plan, then you would be advised to look for a better solution for your needs.

blackberrymuffin 09-25-2010 06:08 PM

I was just trying to find out the difference between normal data and blackberry. My pearl browses the Internet fine with my none blackberry data plan it just won't allow me to get my email, and I got given the blackberry free at a blackberry funded conference from work and I'm just peeved I have to pay an extra five quid just to get something I can take for granted on any other device!

I mean it's not as if the blackberry is any faster it's still using GPRS, 3G, hsdpa technology.

So sorry to be a dik but I can't see why we should be forced to pay over the odds for this data if you want the device but don't need bes.

Yes u may need it to use the phone but I am simply asking what does it get you that is any different to a normal data plan on another high end device.

Anyone wanna buy it as I'm going back to my far superior ip4 xxx

Dubdub 09-25-2010 06:16 PM

Just to clarify, the personal add on that you are referring to is BIS, not. BIS is the personal plan, BES is the corporate plan. You pay extra for both because you are getting more.

Sorry if you don't think it is fair.

And I wouldn't say the iPhone is superior. Different yes. Superior depends on the needs and how it is used.

You still need an iPhone data plan for that, which, last time I looked, cost the same as the one for the BB.

If you want to sell it, visit the Buy/Sell/Trade section. Make sure that you read the yellow sticky at the top and format your post there correctly.

aiharkness 09-25-2010 06:50 PM

To be clear, the blackberry data plan is not on top of a regular data plan; it is in place of a regular data plan, and specific for blackberrys.
Posted via Mobile

blackberrymuffin 09-26-2010 02:44 AM

Well it is if your on a modern plan with built in data that's not an add on.

blackberrymuffin 09-26-2010 03:32 PM

Well I take back the blackberry bashing I just rang my op and they said I could have the blackberry add on for free. Woo hoo

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