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omkhar 01-09-2007 01:03 PM

See info here about the iPhone

Concept 01-09-2007 01:33 PM

based off what was introduced at CES, I see a few problems with the Iphone.

1) Thin phone + big screen = poor battery life! This thing will live on a charger more than anywhere else.

2) Touch screen is going to become a problem. With a shiny face like it has it would easily get scratched up, even with a skin for the screen. If it he completely touch screen, I can see problems with inadvertant touches even if they claim it won't. I can also see that screen getting cracked very easily.

All in all, if they can build a durable product, it will sell like crazy. If they come up with a great idea that needs refinement (like the wii remotes) like software updates every month, replaced screens, etc. than it will initially sell then tail off when word spreads about problems with the phone. If it doesn't come with 3G, Wi-fi, BT stereo, and all the other latest and greatest features it won't sell that great. Why? because most people already have an Ipod nano or video (and a quality cell phone) and are not going to be be willing to part with what they already have if it doesn't get them the best of everything.

canonbomb1987 01-09-2007 01:37 PM

My main concern about the iphone is its thickness. It seems like it would be very easy to break into two pieces, or scratch that big beautiful display.

:bb: 8100c

secrecyguy 01-09-2007 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by mocmylov
Wirelessly posted (7130c: BlackBerry7130/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/102)

I think this seems more in line with what the iphone will be all about... At least for a while... We'll see I guess...

Kevin Rose confirms iPhone? - Engadget Mobile

I am quoting you to give everyone a clickable link...

Kevin Rose confirms iPhone? - Engadget Mobile

vherrera0079 01-09-2007 01:52 PM

Wow, makes the Pearl look like a stone age device. But the price is steep.. 599 bucks for the 8 gig model... and Cingular is the only choice.. yuck... wonder if it can be unlocked for use with T-mob

secrecyguy 01-09-2007 01:55 PM

I don't mind having that iPhone but I have a feeling we won't get the $19.99 per month data plan though. I think they will end up charging $29.99 per month data plan on T-mobile.

We have to wait and see. For now, I staying with my 8100.

paulbblc 01-09-2007 02:01 PM

Please post all info in this thread:
OFFICIAL: Apple iPhone Info Thread


nsimpson 01-09-2007 02:11 PM

its offical
Its announced! It looks mighty nice but I think its geared towards other users other than the blackberry folks. The touch screen might be hard to get used to when typing emails. Also it will support just EDGE and is not a 3 G product. due to launch in june 07. What do other people think about the product? The Apple iPhone runs OS X, $499 on contract - Engadget

blakeatl 01-09-2007 02:43 PM

If I was younger and gadget happy......I would definitely jump at it. That thing is amazing! But, I am in my 30's and not a gadget I have self control.

Lew2 01-09-2007 02:44 PM

I think it is a very refreshing product and I expect they will likely sell quite a number of them.

I also think the vacations for the engineers & designers of the other major cellphone manufacturers just got canceled. :)

Competition is good, it forces the companies to innovate instead of just regurgitating the same old stuff under different names.

Tixxx 01-09-2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by vherrera0079
Wow, makes the Pearl look like a stone age device. But the price is steep.. 599 bucks for the 8 gig model... and Cingular is the only choice.. yuck... wonder if it can be unlocked for use with T-mob

Unlocked would be nice. This thing going to be out in June?

See those stock prices? AAPL, RIMM and PALM

Texas_Traveler 01-09-2007 02:59 PM

There's lots of info on the new iPhone at Apple. Looks cool!

No Longer Registered. 01-09-2007 03:07 PM

Ahhh.... picture this: You are working in a corporate world dealing with CEO and board members day to day and your phone rang. You reach your pocket and grab your phone and WHALA... an iPHONE? That is like having a SideKick.

Compete with avid BB users... NOT. Compete with kids who nowadays have the latest phones... Yes. Take the BlackBerry market? I definitely do not think so.

grradams 01-09-2007 03:34 PM

Yep apple is going to take over the world. Just watch.

lesterw 01-09-2007 03:38 PM

iPhone Photos
See article:
The Apple iPhone runs OS X - Engadget

See Photos:

Looks more like a cool iPod than a phone and it runs OS X.

wingrove 01-09-2007 04:50 PM

Blackberry always has and continues to treat mac users as third class citizens with third rate, third party connectivity and syncing solutions. My brand new pearl will continue to be my favourite phone .... until june when he iPhone come out then then out the door it goes. Ive tolerated the blackberry way of doing things for years as theres been no really integrated push email alternatives but it looks like the times they are a changing. Obviously BB still has a huge plife ahead of it in the corporate world but for the rest of us it bought the farm today.

Fungineer 01-09-2007 08:23 PM

I agree that this device will pretty much kill off Danger, Inc. and the SideKick. It may compete against the Pearl in the consumer space, but not in the business space. Long term, I doubt it will have much impact on RIM or BlackBerry, but it may force some design queues in the same way that the RAZR forced the "thin-is-in" industrial design ideas.

dabull 01-09-2007 08:42 PM

i think every misses a glaring point- the iphone cannot be competing directly with the pearl because of the price. the iphone cost more then twice as much, theyre not even in the same class. once RIM comes out with a $600 phone then compare that to the iphone.

otherwise, the iphone looks ultimate, i would love to have one

RDx 01-09-2007 08:59 PM

The iPhone does not have exchange access like PDA Phones and Blackberrys do for email. Thats the real killer that they messed up on.

zimbu1234 01-09-2007 09:16 PM

I would most definitely need to get my hands on one and play with it before I ever A) even think about dealing with teh hassles of switching providers, and B) shell out $500 for this device. I love my Pearl and do not really use the multimedia stuff too much right now. Its for my work email, my phone, my internet on the go, and games. It does its job and I loooove the slim compact size.

That being said, I think the iPhone i spretty damn cool. I just looked at all the demos on the iPhone Apple site. It is sweet.

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