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Thiego-uk 09-16-2011 04:35 AM

QNX Devices?!!!
Rim show QNX Blackberry Prototype

As of today, I still havent upgraded my 9700. T-mobile here arent even aware of 9810! 9900 will only come out end of this month, I think I'll just wait for the QNX devices cause I have a feeling RIM will not delay their release this time, at least Im hopping!

juwaack68 09-16-2011 06:54 AM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!

Originally Posted by Thiego-uk (Post 1744618)
I have a feeling RIM will not delay their release this time....

You have more faith than most of us... :razz:

fourstringfuror 09-16-2011 06:11 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
"RIM sucks. BlackBerry sucks. You're all fanboys and idiots."

Just getting the requisite derision out of the way. Carry on.

tonyrenier 09-19-2011 01:32 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!

Originally Posted by fourstringfuror (Post 1744746)
"RIM sucks. BlackBerry sucks. You're all fanboys and idiots."

Just getting the requisite derision out of the way. Carry on.

The other day I saw a pickup truck with a bumper sticker that said "Liberals Suck". That struck me as particularly funny, what does it mean?

Wondering about a bumper sticker that says "Conservatives have poor vocabularies".

So, if Blackberry sucks, what does that mean?

All I want is a phone that won't let me down. I've been through most of them, my 9630 Tour is just plain reliable for data and calls. What more could I ask?

knottyrope 09-20-2011 12:44 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
if you are happy with it then dont worry about it

rambo47 09-20-2011 04:09 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
With RIM's track record of getting even simple updates out on time, I wouldn't count on an on time release of QNX. Anyway I'd rather they took some extra time if needed to get it right ( or more right ).

Thiego-uk 09-21-2011 03:21 AM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
I think they are not in a gamble position, from all I've been reading around, the biggest issue with QNX is push emails and that is somehow disappointing...
I hope they get it sorted very soon.

Meanwhile in UK, T-mobile still have no idea what is the BB 9810! How depressing...

cowgirl05 09-24-2011 10:50 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
I've been trying to learn more about this new QNX phone business, and found some good articles on c-net, but what I can't figure out even with the wikipedia article comparing systems is, as a BlackBerry user, why would I want to wait for a QNX phone, over the current crop of BB 7s? I can't figure out what will make the QNX ones better. Faster? Do more? I'm not understanding the difference, beyond the part about where you can shut down programs? apps? you aren't using. So I guess that would increase battery life and make the ones you are running run faster?

ZombieBerry 09-25-2011 06:46 AM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
As QNX phones have not come out yet, that sort of answers your question. There will always be something new coming from somewhere. Use what you have for the time you need it and worry about the other units when they are released.

Battery issues with the current crop of Berries have not been settled yet, how can we answer any battery/life questions about a phone that hasn't been released?

You already have the ability to turn off apps in BBOS.

cowgirl05 09-26-2011 12:35 AM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
But WHY are folks excited about a QNX phone coming out? What is the advantage of a QNX device over a BB operating system? The BB system is secure, it doesn't sync in the cloud if you don't want it to, will that change with the QNX? What is it that makes QNX something to be desired I guess is what I'm not understanding.

jsconyers 09-26-2011 12:04 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
QNX has the ability to run Flash, a better web browser, sleeker, more friendly interface (personal opinion), the ability to run Android applications, thus making the app market that everyone complains about much larger. For a better understanding of what QNX can do, try a playbook. This is the first QNX device and when the update for QNX comes out, more changes will be included, such as a PIN number and native email on the device.

alandry 09-27-2011 12:58 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
I am dragging my heels a bit to help BBerry but a week does not go by when somebody doesnt ask for an Iphone or Android. I have put in 4 9900's and 2 9800 (new) Torches but would love to see the ATT Bold (only TMob(1) and Veriz(3) so far and would LOVE to see the new Playbook software. IPads are getting traction but are expensive monthly..Nobody can be seen as obstructionist today.

Janish 11-10-2011 10:09 AM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
I'm kind of doubting about what to do. I've been waiting for the Torch 9810 for quite a while (I'm from Belgium and it can be released any day now), but with the announcement of the QNX phones, I don't know what to do. Do you guys think I should buy the 9810 or wait for the QNX? Cause I really love the touch screen on the 9810, but I don't want to buy a phone that's outdated in a couple of months. I don't know if I will like the first line of QNX phones (I've seen the Colt, but doesn't seem like something I would buy)... So help me out :-)

EDIT: I know every phone is outdated a few months after its release, but QNX could be a big step forward and will have some cool features (i.e. Flash). I'm not sure if QNX will be THAT good in the beginning, so...

Thiego-uk 11-10-2011 10:37 AM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!

Originally Posted by Janish (Post 1754600)
(I've seen the Colt, but doesn't seem like something I would buy)

Where have you seen it? its not out yet, all I've seen so far is a mock up picture.

RE BBX and colt or any other device running the new OS, with all the delay on on OS 2.0 for PB I'm not too optimist about its time schedule. Once RIM has said it would be out in Q1 2012 but they havent even mentioned it on last Devs Con what make me believe BBX should come most probably Q3 next year.
This is just my opinion.

Janish 11-14-2011 04:10 AM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
By 'seen', I meant that same mock up picture of what the Colt could look like.

Thx for the reply, I think I'll just go for the 9810 rather than wait and maybe get disappointed.

Cooper 11-14-2011 11:51 AM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
All you need to consider is that QNX devices at their earliest will be available after April 2012. Do you really want to wait at least 6 months?

ArgonNJ 11-14-2011 05:20 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!

Originally Posted by jsconyers (Post 1746631)
QNX has the ability to run Flash, a better web browser, sleeker, more friendly interface (personal opinion), the ability to run Android applications, thus making the app market that everyone complains about much larger. For a better understanding of what QNX can do, try a playbook. This is the first QNX device and when the update for QNX comes out, more changes will be included, such as a PIN number and native email on the device.

Hahahahahahahahaha. Who cares. Adobe doesn't even care anymore. Mobile Flash will be long gone before a handheld QNX device even comes out. You've been watching too many PB commercials.

ZombieBerry 11-14-2011 05:49 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
Yeah, I think I have read that Adobe Flash (for mobile devices) is all but done. Still looking forward to a QNX-based handset though. :razz:

ZombieBerry 11-14-2011 10:00 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
Is this an image of the first BlackBerry to run BBX? |

Interesting photo of a QNX based proto-type.

Original story here...
Is this the first BlackBerry with the BBX OS? | The Verge

Dubdub 11-14-2011 10:29 PM

Re: QNX Devices?!!!
I posted the second link in a new thread earlier this evening.

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