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a_user 02-21-2013 05:18 PM

BES10 Server - ActiveSync Only?
Excuse my ignorance but I am a little unclear on the following. Does blackberry 10 'only' use activesync now as the message transport? If so, is there an ability for the BES to proxy connections from handhelds to the exchange server versus each handheld connecting directly to exchange?

If the handhelds only use activesync now, then am I correct in my understanding that the BES is really only useful for taking advantage of security policies and functions such as Balance?


NJBlackBerry 02-21-2013 06:09 PM

Re: BES10 Server - ActiveSync Only?
You can use BES10 or ActiveSync.

BES10 does provide Balance but will also include Mobile Device Management (for other devices) also.

stevew 02-21-2013 06:50 PM

Re: BES10 Server - ActiveSync Only?
In BES 10, there is an option for the transport, which is a dropdown box. Active Sync was the only entry in there, so I don't know if there is another transport, or if that was put there for future use, but yes...BES10 is now basically about policy management. Most of the previous functionality is gone. Balance has a bunch of stupid quirks and can't be disabled via policy either from what I can see.

a_user 02-24-2013 11:36 AM

Re: BES10 Server - ActiveSync Only?
Thanks guys. That is about what I gathered but wanted to make sure I was not off in left field.

knottyrope 02-24-2013 01:38 PM

Re: BES10 Server - ActiveSync Only?
you can have EAS traffice go through BlackBerry instead of directly for BB10 devices and soon for others.

a_user 03-06-2013 05:17 PM

Re: BES10 Server - ActiveSync Only?
Im sure its in the manual, but how does one use the BES as a proxy for this AS traffic? The traditional BES transport service is no longer used, correct?

nobody7290 03-07-2013 01:40 PM

Re: BES10 Server - ActiveSync Only?
no, not correct,

page 19:
Here you have the options which routes the traffic may take of a Device activated on the BDS service.

There is no attachment or PIM service, but the MDS connection is used for the connection.

smoothadmin 03-07-2013 08:54 PM

Re: BES10 Server - ActiveSync Only?

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1799534)
You can use BES10 or ActiveSync.

BES10 does provide Balance but will also include Mobile Device Management (for other devices) also.

You might want to choose your words carefully grumpy! :)

BES10 re-encapsalates the 128bit packets from ActiveSync to either AES or 3DES 256bit before it's sent to your device making it more secure.

Yes if you want a open device, like you get with Android and iSheep you could just stick to using ActiveSync, however if your organization values its data and the amount that is leaked out BES10 is the only way to go.

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