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eric0668 12-11-2009 01:57 AM

2 Problems with new Bold 2 - Test Messages & Google Homepage
I have two problems which are probably easily solved, if I could just post and have someone give their opinions or help it would be greatly appreciated...

1. I set google as my homepage. Everything was pretty small, i.e. with the default font size in IE of about 7, so I took it up to 10 or 12 and it is fine. That is, everything except for the Google Homepage. Most of that is OK, all except for the search line. Does anyone have that problem? Is there anyway to make that page a little larger, especially the Search Engine bar? I already have it on Column view. That is the best view, correct?

2. When I get text messages, both SMS and MMS, they arrive with the senders phone number, not name, even if the person is in my address book? It baffled one of the guys in Best Buy, not in the phone department, but in the Computer department LOL. He then decided to enter his cell in my address, text me from his phone and it worked. His logic then was that it had something to do with the syncing of the BB to Outlook??? He sugested to backup the contacts and then reinstall them thru the Desktop Manager.

FWIW, I tried to the best of my ability, to goto restore, selected Contacts ALL, Moved it to the left, closed the file, it said do you want to make changes to the backup file, I said yes. Then I went and restored. I texted myself from my friend here who is on my list , and it did not work.

Can anyone suggest another idea.

Thanks so much...Happy Holidays Too

dankarlinski 12-11-2009 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by eric0668 (Post 1525344)
2. When I get text messages, both SMS and MMS, they arrive with the senders phone number, not name, even if the person is in my address book? It baffled one of the guys in Best Buy, not in the phone department, but in the Computer department LOL. He then decided to enter his cell in my address, text me from his phone and it worked. His logic then was that it had something to do with the syncing of the BB to Outlook??? He sugested to backup the contacts and then reinstall them thru the Desktop Manager.

go into your address book. look at your contacts. make sure that the numbers are in there correctly... make sure you have the right numbers, and that you have all area codes, etc...

then, pull the battery while the phone is turned on, wait a few mins, and pop it back in.... if that doesnt work, i would suggest wiping your contacts and re-syncing them

ltj13 12-11-2009 09:10 AM

Wirelessly posted (8320)

There's a bug with SMS in the 0S.. I believe the issue is that it doesn't like () or - in the number. If you remove them you should be fine.

TTsoldier 12-11-2009 09:35 AM

SMS issue is fixed in the latest leaked 5.0 OS for the 9700

eric0668 12-12-2009 01:07 AM

thanks ltj and TT .44, I believe it is, is still Beta right. I was advised by Tmo to wait???

it was the "-"'s, I took them out all is fine

as far as the google page goes, so simple, even the best buy mobile m gr didn't find it, although he did teach me the zoom trick, u can't only set ur fond larger to 13 for instance, you have to make it ur minimum. works perfect

thanks a lot all

classact 12-12-2009 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by eric0668 (Post 1525344)
I have two problems which are probably easily solved, if I could just post and have someone give their opinions or help it would be greatly appreciated...


2. When I get text messages, both SMS and MMS, they arrive with the senders phone number, not name, even if the person is in my address book? It baffled one of the guys in Best Buy, not in the phone department, but in the Computer department LOL. He then decided to enter his cell in my address, text me from his phone and it worked. His logic then was that it had something to do with the syncing of the BB to Outlook??? He sugested to backup the contacts and then reinstall them thru the Desktop Manager.

Do you have any phone numbers stored with spaces in? I try to store numbers in an easily readable format, so a UK phone number might be: +44 7759 987 654 rather than +447759987654. Unfortunately the latest officially released build dislikes this.

eric0668 12-14-2009 03:12 AM

Actually saw many googled responses like I have seen here and on the site, so thanks to all, even Best Buy suggested that, even saying that it will be fixed in the next update. Well, they were right about the last part, it will be fixed, but the problem is simply that this version of the OS does not like dashes

Thanks everyone for your help

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