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dietcokelemon 08-30-2007 08:06 AM

BIS v BES gmail and internet speeds
First of all, thank you for the forums - they have been an extraordinary help.

I recently switched from my employer's BES to a personal BIS account. I am very unsatisfied with the speed in which my blackberry pushes gmail messages (occasionally within a few minutes, but more often 40+minutes, sometimes 1hr+), and the lag with internet browsing.

Unfortunately I have made many changes, so I am not entirely sure the cause of these issues. For example:

I switched units (8800 to 8300).
I switched carriers (ATT to Tmo).
Like I said, I went from BES to BIS.
I went from an ATT phone on ATT service, to an ATT phone unlocked on Tmo service.
I went from the latest OS to the o2 OS required for the unlocked curve.

I have done all the tricks cited on these boards to no avail (wiping, hard resets, reregistering, deleting service books, sending service books, deleting bis email account, recreating bis email account, etc.).

In theory, now that it is just my personal email, I can live with the non-instantaneous push (and yes, I at times use the Gmail app) --- but it seems to defeat the whole purpose of the blackberry - and, quite frankly, I got spoiled with it before.

I was hoping to not have to get a BES account -- its not worth it to get my notes/calendar/contacts pushed -- but do I need a BES account to fix the email push and browser speed issues?

Sorry for the long email, and thanks for the help.

Dubdub 08-30-2007 08:18 AM

I don't think BIS or BES has much to do with Internet speed. They do have something to do with email delivery.

Since you are on GSM, EDGE is the current connection rate for both ATT and T-Mo. Your average data rate is between 50 and 120 kbps with a max of about 300 kbps. Not much faster than dial up. In addition, browsing speed is dependent on a number of other factors than data rate - for example, the device processor, device memory, the connection, your distance to the tower itself, and congestion at the tower. Also remember that voice always has the priority over data. And also remember that most web sites are not optimized fro mobile users. You will not get the performance that you get from DSl or Cable and a laptop.

As for email, BIS delivers email tot he device approximately every 15 minutes. RIM polls your email accounts and then pushes what it finds. If mail is found and sent, then RIM will again poll in about 2 minutes. If it finds something,t hat is sent and the cycle continues until nothing is found, at which time the next poll will take place in about 15 minutes. BES can push your mail at near real time. I think Gmail can do the same if it is set up properly. I don't use it as it is not professional enough for me. Plus the 15 min delay is fine for what I need. I do not need, nor do I want real time email.

dietcokelemon 08-30-2007 10:44 AM

Well, I figured out the gmail problem and figured I'd post because I haven't seen it mentioned before.

Probably a silly mistake, but I had only set up my gmail account in tmobile BIS - I hadn't actually created a account (didn't think I needed it). Once I created it, gmail works fine.

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