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Chichum 04-24-2009 12:13 PM

An App to make it so you don't have to press the screen...
I know this was discussed somewhere on here but I can't find it. I was wondering if anyone has the ingenuity to create an application that makes it like the iPhone so when you are typing, just having your finger hover over the letter chooses it, not requiring you to press the screen in. I would be able to type a LOT faster if we were able to do this. It seems very plausible because the phone can tell where your finger is when you touch the screen. You don't need to press it in for it to determine where your finger press was. So the concept should be very simple. Take Opera Mini for example: you can choose links by tapping the screen, not pressing it in. That's basically what I'm looking to do. I'd pay good money for something like this. Also, please don't start the "well doesn't this defeat the purpose of the storm's screen?" because I don't really want to hear it. The storm is a touch screen and it's a blackberry. If I didn't love Blackberries so much, I'd go to the iPhone. So, does anyone think they can do this?

ndub33 04-24-2009 12:16 PM

Someone keep me honest here, but I believe that this would reuqire different screen hardware, in addition the the software enhancement that a 3rd party app would provide.

Chichum 04-24-2009 12:19 PM

Why do you say that? Have you played with OperaMini? It doesn't require you to push in the screen to choose links, all you have to do is tap the screen and it clicks the link in the browser. It would be the same concept except the application would be something running in the background that translates a tap into a click which can be determine on how long the tap is. For instance, if you tap it very quickly, it's a click, if you tap and hold, it's not. Furthermore, you can go even more in depth and make it customizable in the sense that the keyboard will require a tap, the menu selection will require a click, application icons would require a click, etc...

CO_BBTechie 04-24-2009 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by ndub33 (Post 1364129)
Someone keep me honest here, but I believe that this would reuqire different screen hardware, in addition the the software enhancement that a 3rd party app would provide.

I have no specific knowledge to this affect, but I respectfully disagree that it would require a hardware modification, as the device is already able to recognize where your digit is on the screen, since it's able to highlight the virtual key before you "press" it. It should need only to know that you wish to activate said key when you digit contacts the screen, dare I say it; as the iPhone does currently....

ndub33 04-24-2009 12:23 PM

I stand corrected...thanks!

suicidepact 04-24-2009 10:31 PM

I admire the effort on anyone's part to do this, if it's possible, but I don't know if I'd like it. Maybe if you were able to set which apps you could enable this feature for it would be cool, but in general I prefer the 'full-click' method. I'm a bit of a spazz when I type, so having to push down to confirm helps me. I always hate how many typos I make while typing with my iPod Touch because it's a bit too sensitive.

Chichum 04-27-2009 07:51 AM

I'm surprised this hasn't stirred up more interest. I definitely thought more people would be interested in something like this. Oh well.

suicidepact 04-27-2009 02:01 PM

I did as well, or at least more people saying "no" or "yes." Perhaps if you were able to do a thread poll for registered users. I don't know if this board software can do that or not like on some forums, but it would be interesting.

zero7404 04-29-2009 04:08 PM

here we go again with threads like this. if you really want to just touch the screen, an "i"phone is your thing.

by design the storm was made so you can 'click' to confirm. technically, it is a superior technology to just 'touch' to confirm, because it allows you to hover/highlight and not commit. i have an application on my phone that behaves this way and i don't like it. using a browser with just 'touch' to confirm would cause ppl all sorts of problems, because if you go to scroll and you touch a link it will redirect you when that wasn't your intent.

i doubt rim would take something like this seriously, an app developer might sit up and listen. but i doubt a developer would be successful with this idea

Spawneh 04-29-2009 04:55 PM

I agree on every point zero7404, I hated the Iphone interface and thats why i liked the storm...

zero7404 04-29-2009 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Spawneh (Post 1369083)
I agree on every point zero7404, I hated the Iphone interface and thats why i liked the storm...

when i had the ipod touch i had to be careful when using the browser, i often wanted to scroll but it navigated instead to links my finger happen to touch...

imo, too many ppl have compared the "i"phone to other touch phones, essentially making it perpetually 'the product to beat', when it's not.

PHLAK 04-29-2009 08:00 PM

I would not use this software and think anyone who does needs to not buy a Storm.

Personally, I LOVE the "click screen" technology. The main reason, it adds a whole other layer of input for the user. When using my storm, I love that I can perform two totally separate actions by touching (not clicking), and clicking the screen.

Chichum 05-01-2009 01:23 PM

Why can't we have both? So users can choose when and where they want to use either? Do you not feel the idea of it is catchy for certain applications? Can you honestly say that I should get an iPhone because I want to be able to touch, not click? iPhones can not compete with Blackberry for the reasons that I use it. You are just discounting the idea because it's something you wouldn't use. Having the option to use one or the other seems like a good idea. If you don't like it, don't use it.

zero7404 05-01-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Chichum (Post 1370707)
Why can't we have both? So users can choose when and where they want to use either? Do you not feel the idea of it is catchy for certain applications? Can you honestly say that I should get an iPhone because I want to be able to touch, not click? iPhones can not compete with Blackberry for the reasons that I use it. You are just discounting the idea because it's something you wouldn't use. Having the option to use one or the other seems like a good idea. If you don't like it, don't use it.

have you tried using the newest version of quickpull ? that's a good example of how "touch" to confirm instead of press to confirm might cause you an inconvenience. after the first prompt, which is a "click" to confirm prompt, you are taken to the "Reboot Now" and "Reboot Later" screen and at that screen, it is a "touch" to if you change your mind and you want to reboot later but you've already touched the reboot now button, it will reset the phone....

it's inconsistent and weird when you mix the 2 functionalities together with the same operating session or inside the same app....

i have ea tetris on my phone and it works with "touch" to confirm, but throughout the game it doesn't change that.

pick whichever you like, your choice, but i don't want it implemented so that it messes with the OS experience.

dave1812dave 05-01-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Chichum (Post 1364124)
I know this was discussed somewhere on here but I can't find it. I was wondering if anyone has the ingenuity to create an application that makes it like the iPhone so when you are typing, just having your finger hover over the letter chooses it, not requiring you to press the screen in. I would be able to type a LOT faster if we were able to do this. It seems very plausible because the phone can tell where your finger is when you touch the screen. You don't need to press it in for it to determine where your finger press was. So the concept should be very simple. Take Opera Mini for example: you can choose links by tapping the screen, not pressing it in. That's basically what I'm looking to do. I'd pay good money for something like this. Also, please don't start the "well doesn't this defeat the purpose of the storm's screen?" because I don't really want to hear it. The storm is a touch screen and it's a blackberry. If I didn't love Blackberries so much, I'd go to the iPhone. So, does anyone think they can do this?

I agree with some of the other posters. The very thing that drew me to the Storm was that the keyboard isn't super sensitive like the Touch is. I HATE typing anything on my Touch. and that's another reason I wouldn't want to own an iPhone.

I love the Storm's keyboard that requires a positive press.

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