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Jack T. Chance 10-10-2015 04:39 PM

No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Hi everyone, loooooong time, no see! :smile:

With the recent announcement that the next BlackBerry will be the Priv slider running Android as its OS, BlackBerry may have FINALLY made a device that could lure me back from my Samsung Galaxy S4! 8-) (y)

So, I came here to the good ol' BBF to read up on everything we know about this new device. Imagine my surprise in finding that there's essentially NO discussion of it happening here! :shock:

There's no sub-forum for the new device, nothing in the News Forum, not even anything in the Rumors Forum! Sinceriously, what's become of this place? :?

I mean, sure, like the vast majority of reformed CrackBerry Addicts, I left my BlackBerries in the past when RIM/BlackBerry themselves revealed to the world that they were hopelessly trapped in the past, no longer making smartphones that kept up with and/or surpassed the competition. Even their well-reviewed recent phones, the Passport and the Classic, are great phones.... for 2012. Too bad it's now 2015 and those phones are dinosaurs, technologically speaking. :-(

Even still, the BBF has always seemed to me to be the place that the most loyal, most die-hard CrackBerry Addicts gathered and shared information. So, I'm frankly disappointed to see no discussion of the Priv. It's the most innovative thing BlackBerry's made in the last several years, combining the Android OS I've now gotten used to, with the legendary BlackBerry security. I thought there'd be at least a thread or 2. :?

NJBlackBerry 10-11-2015 01:30 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Owner tried unsuccessfully to sell the site.
No one is interested.

aiharkness 10-11-2015 02:44 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Yeah. On any given log in there are about three members signed in, including me. The site is pretty much dead.

As far as the Priv, a slider isn't for me, but I won't use android under any circumstances anyway.

I don't have a plan yet for new device if it isn't BB10.

Bobb 10-23-2015 10:29 AM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Yeah...I'm also surprised that this site isn't buzzing over today's announcement of pre-ordering for the Priv, is what it is.

I have been a die-hard, loyal BB user for more than a decade, but my Z10 literally fried itself over a week ago, so I MUST get a new way around it. I'm currently using a "backup" Android OS device by Samsung, but searching for a used Z10 at a low price because if I decide to buy a Priv soon, I don't want to have spent big money on a new interim Z10, Z30, Leap, whatever.

Say what you will, but BB has always seemed fantastic to me, and if I simply have to capitulate to using a non-BB10 device, at least it now can be a BLACKBERRY. I stuck with BB for more than a decade, and still will because I view their devices as second-to-none in design, quality, etc. None of my BBs ever lacked anything that I might have wanted in a smartphone. Admittedly, BB has made gross mistakes with marketing and such that caused them to lose their once-lofty position in the marketplace, but in my view, that was never the fault of the devices themselves. The iPhone just burst onto the scene with so much "wow factor" and advancement in technology that it left all other mobile device manufacturers...regardless of their OS...reeling in amazement and playing catch-up from the very start.

Then again, I clung to my Betamax VCRs for well into the era when VHS killed it off...LOL! I did so because, as a television production professional, I knew that Beta was technically superior to VHS in every way. So, too, has my attitude been about BBs. As for me, it's about superior technology, not trendy fashion and junk like gaming, etc. I've always told people "BlackBerrys are TOOLS, all the rest...TOYS."

Yes...I'll be buying a Priv. The tail doesn't wag the dog, and in this case, the "tail" is the BB OS, and the "dog" is the mobile device marketplace. Eventually, surrendering to Android appears to be the only alternative for survival.

Here's a dream: how 'bout a "dual boot" device that can run BB10 AND 'droid? Now THAT would be cool.

Jack T. Chance 10-24-2015 12:44 AM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Now available for Pre-Order if you have a GSM-based carrier (T-Mobile or AT&T in the US.) $699 US, $899 Canadian. :-o

tsac 10-24-2015 09:08 AM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Great ! Now we go from Blackberry's to Lollipop's. When will the blueberries be out?

NJBlackBerry 10-25-2015 02:39 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Yet another premium priced device for the 1%. They won't or can't learn.

tsac 10-25-2015 08:32 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Unfortunately a lot of company's have the problem.

NJBlackBerry 10-26-2015 07:16 AM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Maybe they can make a Porsche Design Priv and jack up the price more.
That ought to see in the thousands.

I just don't see how they are going to make it in hardware.

MDM/services - maybe.

djm2 10-29-2015 06:43 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Good point re: price. I am actually somewhat interested, as I am unhappy with my current iPhone, but that is a very steep price tag.

tsac 10-29-2015 08:16 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Sadly the carrier's don't list the BB's unless you search and not all products are available. I don't think Blackberry is pushing them to offer. ATT has them near the bottom of the list but only two models and Verizon has more model offers but again on the bottom

John Clark 11-01-2015 09:17 AM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
I think the Priv is a stupid idea. However, I've seen lots of positive comments about it...more than I expected. However, with BlackBerry's marketing they couldn't give away iPhones.

I'll likely get one as an Elite member and be able to give it a try--doubt I'll make it my regular device as I really don't want to give up my Z30. It's so sad to see them dump BB10 after finally getting it to where it should have been in January of 2013...with most of the features that BBOS had. BB10 finally has competitive features (just nobody knows) and they toss it all out for Android. Shakes head.

aiharkness 11-01-2015 09:35 AM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Seems BlackBerry faced with a smart decision and a stupid decision is going to make the stupid decision most of the time.

tsac 11-01-2015 11:44 AM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Leadership issues maybe?

John Clark 11-01-2015 11:49 AM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Let's see....devices are good. Leadership lacks, marketing lacks, support lacks...hardly a winning combination.

NJBlackBerry 11-01-2015 02:24 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
If you haven't read Losing The Signal please do so. Leadership failed years ago and led to all of this. Storm, Playbook, Two CEOs. Failures. Thorsten and the Zeds were not the answer. Now no one likes anything Chen is (or isn't) doing. I sat next to the (then RIM) Chief Marketing Officer when the Z10 was released. He was so excited about going to the Super Bowl. No clue what that guy did.

Since BB10 was introduced no one - NO ONE - has been able to articulate to the business or consumer markets what differentiates BlackBerry. Hub, Peek, Flow, QNX, blah blah blah don't do it. "More productive" is a myth. App gap became an issue. Security is a real plus, but no one cares.

That's the bottom line: no one cares. BlackBerry is irrelevant. I am sure than an Android BlackBerry will be very nice, but when you are down to 1% market share, it will take a miracle.

So what will Prem Watsa do? As a major shareholder and with significant influence on the Board, I am sure he rues the day he was convinced by his friend Mike L. to invest. What is his next step? Can't sell the company; worth less than what he bought in for. Market share has collapsed (although I do expect the Privy to boost sales).

Business school case study of how to lose first mover advantage, dominant market share and customer loyalty.

John Clark 11-01-2015 02:56 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
true all dat^

BB10 is very refined and could be sold on devices if someone at BlackBerry would market it. Nobody there can do it, though.
Posted via Mobile

John Clark 11-01-2015 03:08 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
It's obvious there was a boardroom fight over BB10 vs. Android. BB10 and Thorston won. Now you have someone else saying "See, I told you we should have gone Android" and now they're trying that. I think BB10 was the best decision. It just was poorly executed and this Android thing is a 4th down hail Mary pass hoping there's a receiver down field. Only problem is all the receivers left a long time ago.
Posted via Mobile

ZombieBerry 11-01-2015 03:29 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
I ordered one. Phone feels amazing and I am loving the Android OS. Brings the best of both worlds. We'll see how it goes. The name is a little weird, and I haven't seen marketing about the new phone really, and BlackBerry website is selling the phone for $100 more than the carriers plan to sell the units for off contract (outright) BlackBerry apps have been on Google Play for about two weeks now, and I am interested in seeing what it can do. What else can I do? My Z10 is getting worn out.

aiharkness 11-01-2015 04:27 PM

Re: No Discussion Of BlackBerry Priv Slider? What's Happened To BBF?!?
Looking about, what I see is almost all people decide what phone to use based on one or a combination of these three factors......

What are my friends using?

Will it run my games and social apps I want to use?

How much does it cost?

And what most people decide is:

My friends don't use BlackBerry. No one uses BlackBerry. I would be teased for using a Blackberry.

I don't care if it runs Android, I'm not going to use a Blackberry. Well, not if I'm the only one using it anyway. If my friends were, then I would.

Besides, I'm not paying that kind of money for a phone. Well, maybe I would if it was a cool phone and I would be cool for using it, but BlackBerry isn't cool.

......I'm really baffled BlackBerry went for that price point, but I tend to doubt it will matter in the end. I don't see non-BlackBerry users switching to a Blackberry, Android or not, and I'm guessing there are many BlackBerry die hards like me who won't use Android and will find another solution if BB10 devices cease.

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