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mriff 09-12-2015 03:28 PM

Someone asked me what I think of Trump. Here was my reply. He is a bombastic race-baiting nativist blowhard whose narcissism borders on psychopathy. Was I too hard on him?

NJBlackBerry 09-12-2015 04:33 PM

Re: Trump
And yet he is leading the polls for his party. Amazing.
He is saying what a lot of people want to say, but are afraid to.
He is very appealing to a lot of people. No matter what he says, his numbers go up. And he is getting so much publicity.

You missed misogynist and narcissist.

mriff 09-12-2015 07:36 PM

Re: Trump
I just don't get it. The dumbing down of the U.S. continues unabated. On both sides of the aisle.

tsac 09-13-2015 10:21 AM

Re: Trump
I would respond but I'm busy deleting my emails from my server.

TBOLTRAM 09-13-2015 10:34 AM

Re: Trump
I am waiting for him to grow a Hitler mustache.

tsac 09-13-2015 07:28 PM

Re: Trump
Now Now

TBOLTRAM 09-13-2015 07:52 PM

Re: Trump
I saw a picture of Hillary one time that looked like she was trying to grow one. :shock:

tsac 09-13-2015 08:09 PM

Re: Trump
She did but the media edits the photos

mriff 09-15-2015 07:56 PM

Re: Trump
The long, sordid antivaccine history of Donald Trump xxx8211; Respectful Insolence

It appears that he is also strongly anti-vaccine.

tsac 09-19-2015 09:24 AM

Re: Trump
Population control to make room for the flood.

TBOLTRAM 09-21-2015 02:50 PM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by tsac (Post 1815726)
Population control to make room for the flood.

Immigrants or biblical type flood?

tsac 09-23-2015 03:28 PM

Re: Trump
No the ones who are refusing food in various countries because it is from the Red Cross. Apparently the Cross is not something they accept for any reason.
Search the internet and you will see the flood.

TBOLTRAM 09-23-2015 03:41 PM

Re: Trump
I don't like the Red Cross but not for the same reason.

tsac 09-23-2015 05:28 PM

Re: Trump
Yes, the Red Cross has it's problems but giving food to people in those places should not be rejected. Watching the people take food away from little children who were asking for it and throwing it on the tracks is not good.
This is just one link and you wont see it on any commercial TV.

This one is the result of Frances inability to control the influx

LunkHead 10-19-2015 07:00 PM

Re: Trump
I wonder how much hair spray he uses? Does he order from Amazon?

tsac 10-19-2015 07:13 PM

Re: Trump
Hillary loans hers to him.

TBOLTRAM 10-20-2015 07:20 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by tsac (Post 1815886)
Hillary loans hers to him.

Ha ha

knottyrope 10-20-2015 08:00 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by tsac (Post 1815886)
Hillary loans hers to him.

Emails too?

tsac 10-21-2015 12:22 PM

Re: Trump
Just the servers

TBOLTRAM 11-03-2015 11:22 AM

Re: Trump
Looks like Trump is losing the polls to someone who actually may be goofier than him.

Amazing how the American people can be duped.

Maybe we should run Lunkhead for president.

LunkHead 11-03-2015 01:51 PM

Re: Trump
My 1st order of bizz as president will be to make a national chicken salad sammich day...

tsac 11-03-2015 02:29 PM

Re: Trump
We need to get a non politician like a carpenter or auto mechanic.

Demo side either a liar or Marxist \Repub side other than the brain surgeon not much better.

mriff 11-03-2015 08:23 PM

Re: Trump
Not a true statesman among them.

NJBlackBerry 11-04-2015 06:35 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1816019)
Not a true statesman among them.

Or even a truthful person.

tsac 11-04-2015 10:16 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1816021)
Or even a truthful person.

then not a current politician.:razz:

mriff 11-26-2015 11:13 AM

Re: Trump
There are some who are dropping the F bomb now about Trump. Fascist. Listening to him lately, I don't think it misses the mark by much.

NJBlackBerry 11-26-2015 04:58 PM

Re: Trump
He is driving the media and traditional politicians crazy.
Good for him.

mriff 11-26-2015 07:16 PM

Re: Trump
I think he's driving pretty much everybody crazy.

NJBlackBerry 11-26-2015 08:17 PM

Re: Trump
Except for those being polled...

mriff 11-27-2015 09:07 PM

Re: Trump
You have a good point there. It's inexplicable. This race is shaping up to be a real mind bender. Throw rational thought out the window as it won't be required to make a choice.

NJBlackBerry 11-27-2015 11:06 PM

Re: Trump
It actually makes sense.
The east and west coast media have a vested interest in being against Trump.
The voters don't seem to have the same concerns.

mriff 11-28-2015 10:19 PM

Re: Trump
Why do you think the media has it out for the guy? And don't you think it's warranted? I mean he is a wee bit on the nutty side.

NJBlackBerry 11-28-2015 10:28 PM

Re: Trump
He is not conventional and not Hillary. Two things the media likes.

He doesn't have a PAC and doesn't need big money buyers (not the Kochs or even the Unions either). So no one who wants to buy a candidate likes him.

But the voters apparently do! Should they be rough on him? That comes with the territory. He seems to be a viable candidate to a lot of people. Nutty or not :)

tsac 11-29-2015 05:51 PM

Re: Trump
The media has a lot to loose if he wins. For the last 7 years they have totally ignored the idiot currently in the office and gave Hillary a pass when the embassy fiasco took place. As it is now known, emailing her daughter the real issue details and telling the citizens total lies is just the tip of the iceberg. She was fired shortly after graduating from Yale while working for a very left wing liberal.

Hillary Rodham ; was fired for lying and being unethical when she was a 27-year-old working on the Watergate investigation.
Jerry Zeifman, a counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Clinton on the Watergate investigation. Zeifmans 2006 book, "Hillarys Pursuit of Power" states that she "engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules."

Sooooo do we need another liar in the office?

aiharkness 11-29-2015 09:02 PM

Re: Trump
We'll see what happens when voters cast ballots in primaries.

Heck, if I'm cornered into responding to a pollster I might say I'm voting for Trump just to mess with them and the Republican party.

I got suckered into attending an Amway con....I mean sales presentation. I walked out maybe 15 minutes into it and the presenter still hadn't mentioned the product. It was all about aspirations and goals, not the getting there part. Advertising, politics, salesman, politicians, all the same.

TBOLTRAM 11-30-2015 08:18 AM

Re: Trump
You went to a Amway event? Scary, very scary. Years ago one of my uncles started doing the Amway thing and worked himself up to a moderate high position. At that point his underlings were given to someone else and he basically had nothing. He did not fit the "image" that Amway wanted to present so they drove him out.

I doubt Trump would fit their "image".

aiharkness 11-30-2015 08:59 AM

Re: Trump
A friend from the office called and said he had a business opportunity. Did not say what it was, just asked me to come over. I went out of courtesy because he was a friend. There were about 30 people he invited. The pitchman was someone else. As I say, the pitch is selling you on a high life but leaving out the particulars of the product and the work. But no one going into Amway, like my friend, wanted to work. Nobody gets to the high life by working. They all want to manage the suckers who are working. We weren't friends after that.

I see Trump and all the other policians and wannabes doing the same thing. Trump's pitch is to a different idea of the "good life", which to me is repugnant in a lot of ways when you think about the getting there, but he seems to be selling the heck out of it.

As I say, we'll see if he closes the deal. My bet is he won't.
Posted via Mobile

NJBlackBerry 11-30-2015 01:26 PM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by aiharkness (Post 1816177)
As I say, we'll see if he closes the deal. My bet is he won't.

Who are you betting on?
None of them are worth one penny...

TBOLTRAM 11-30-2015 01:46 PM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1816179)
Who are you betting on?
None of them are worth one penny...

I think you are overvaluing them. A better analogy:

None of them are worth a bucket of whale poop.

tsac 11-30-2015 03:02 PM

Re: Trump
As I said , We need to get a non politician like a carpenter or auto mechanic or plumber
At least the plumber knows where the poop comes from.

aiharkness 11-30-2015 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1816179)
Who are you betting on?
None of them are worth one penny...

Just talking about Trump. I think chances are slim he'll be nominated.

As far as the rest, I long ago gave up thinking it really makes a difference.
Posted via Mobile

mriff 11-30-2015 09:51 PM

Re: Trump
As I mentioned earlier, not a statesman among them. When was the last time the Republican Party put up a truly good nominee? Or at the very least, a good fiscal conservative. I'm afraid that if, God forbid, Trump gets the nomination, he'll be run over by the Clinton political machine. And Carson won't fare any better. What a mess.

TBOLTRAM 12-01-2015 10:35 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1816187)
As I mentioned earlier, not a statesman among them. When was the last time the Republican Party put up a truly good nominee? Or at the very least, a good fiscal conservative. I'm afraid that if, God forbid, Trump gets the nomination, he'll be run over by the Clinton political machine. And Carson won't fare any better. What a mess.

I have to give Cruz credit for his lack of Rubbers comment yesterday. At least he has a sense of humor. On other hand I don't know if this was off the cuff or a prewritten gem of knowledge.

tsac 12-02-2015 08:18 PM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by aiharkness (Post 1816184)
Just talking about Trump. I think chances are slim he'll be nominated.

As far as the rest, I long ago gave up thinking it really makes a difference.
Posted via Mobile

The dingo in office now was given the same chances. Things are still up in the air for all of them. If the country gets an ISIS hit before the election take a guess who will be elected.

TBOLTRAM 12-03-2015 08:53 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by tsac (Post 1816230)
The dingo in office now was given the same chances. Things are still up in the air for all of them. If the country gets an ISIS hit before the election take a guess who will be elected.

Jury is still out on the event yesterday. My feeling is that is was preplanned and not isolated due to how it was executed. I have only seen the M word in one press story.

tsac 12-06-2015 04:09 PM

Re: Trump
Based on the latest you are correct in your original thinking.

all political correctness until the problem hits close to the reporters.
Obama's kid is looking at schools. her high school cost 40k per year and the secret service protection runs about 200k. If she goes to Yale the SS cost will be around 280k as reported by the Washington times. Seems like the issue wont be on their minds with all the security.

TBOLTRAM 12-09-2015 09:53 AM

Re: Trump
The only security is if you can respond and return fire.

Sad, but true.

tsac 12-09-2015 01:39 PM

Re: Trump
Yep, 380 in the pocket

mriff 12-16-2015 08:01 PM

Re: Trump
He's like a little kid in the sandbox who wants all the toys. What a train wreck.

tsac 12-16-2015 09:05 PM

Re: Trump
I think he has all the toys already or can buy them.

mriff 12-17-2015 06:06 PM

Re: Trump
Nah, he's got other toys in mind. God forbid he gets them.

TBOLTRAM 12-18-2015 09:33 AM

Re: Trump
Do you think his wife plays with his toys? :oops:

tsac 12-18-2015 06:59 PM

Re: Trump
Hillary vs. Trump will be very interesting.
If Bernie ever gets Hillary to allow him to run in the DNC and opens up the secret database for supporters it will be even more interesting. Of course Hillary knows nothing about the servers with the information.

mriff 12-18-2015 09:25 PM

Re: Trump
Trumps nomination will get us nothing but Hillary. He's the biggest joke to hit the presidential circuit since...well forever. I can't believe the train wreck we're all witnessing now. Get ready for another President Clinton.

mriff 12-18-2015 09:27 PM

Re: Trump
Where's Lunk? We need him to weigh in here!

tsac 12-19-2015 10:56 AM

Re: Trump
A few of the "regulars" are missing and I suspect they are lurking in the shadows8-)

djm2 12-19-2015 06:06 PM

Re: Trump
This is a terribly sad election cycle, one that has been dominated by fear and paranoia.

My preferred candidate on the GOP side has no chance to be nominated, even though I suspect in a general election he would do quite well as he sits between the far left and the far right. Two kudos to anybody who can guess who that candidate might be.

mriff 12-20-2015 10:27 AM

Re: Trump
G Pataki?

tsac 12-20-2015 04:04 PM

Re: Trump
These numbers are from various pollsters.

34% 36% 39% 36% 40% 41% 38% 36.37%

18% 11% 18% 14% 9% 14% 14% 13.84%

13% 9% 11% 10% 7% 10% 10% 11.53%

6% 12% 9% 11% 10% 9% 11% 10.47%

7% 7% 3% 7% 7% 3% 7% 5.52%

5% 2% 3% 3% 3% 2% 4% 3.26%

4% 1% 1% 5% 3% 2% 2% 2.49%

2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 3% 2.47%

4% 2% 3% 3% 3% 2% 1% 2.43%

2% 2%- 2% 2% 2% 3% 1% 2.01%

1% 0%- 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1.03%

0%- 0%- 0%- 0% 0%- 1% 1% - 1.02%

1% 0%- 0%- 0%- 0% - 1% 0% 0.89%

% listing

1 Public Policy Polling (Dec 17)

2 Morning Consult (Dec 17)

3 Fox News (Dec 17)

4 Reuters / Ipsos (Dec 16)

5 MSNBC (Dec 18)

6 Monmouth University (Dec 13)

7 ABC / Washington Post (Dec 13)



Democratic are based on poll location

Clinton 48% 41%

Sanders 39% 47%

O'Malley 2% 6%

Some may not like the numbers in the final two but
58% for Trump over Clinton
53% for Cruz over Clinton

49% for Cruz over Sanders

Don't panic the numbers change every time someone opens their mouth. some go up and some go down.
Watching the Demo debate it seems Clinton is expert at avoiding and Sanders seems to be trying to play nice.

djm2 12-20-2015 05:42 PM

Re: Trump
You nailed it mriff.

tsac 12-20-2015 07:46 PM

Re: Trump
The reason he's so low is he makes sense and he's in a liberal state. Time will tell, strange things happen.

TBOLTRAM 12-21-2015 09:29 AM

Re: Trump
We elect the clowns we deserve.

tsac 12-21-2015 08:47 PM

Re: Trump
Sad but true

mriff 12-21-2015 09:52 PM

Re: Trump
I heard a radio interview with Pataki early on and liked what he had to say. Seemed sensible and smart. Didn't seem like a bombastic race baiting nativist blowhard like the guy who is leading.

mriff 12-22-2015 08:05 AM

Re: Trump
"Clinton got schlonged. She lost, I mean she lost." Donald J. Trump discussing Clinton's primary race with Obama. This race will be good for the country only for its comedic value.

TBOLTRAM 12-22-2015 08:36 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1816345)
"Clinton got schlonged. She lost, I mean she lost." Donald J. Trump discussing Clinton's primary race with Obama. This race will be good for the country only for its comedic value.

SNL or Monty Python?

mriff 12-22-2015 11:20 AM

Re: Trump
Yes and yes. And every stand up comic and impersonator out there. You just can't make this stuff up.

mriff 12-22-2015 11:22 AM

Re: Trump
It's reality tv on a grand scale.

TBOLTRAM 12-22-2015 11:29 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1816354)
It's reality tv on a grand scale.

If this is reality I would rather have fantasy! :razz:

tsac 12-22-2015 11:33 AM

Re: Trump
She has lied from the day she left Yale and continues to, to this day. Every politician does stretch the truth and is usually caught. The issue with her is she does not care and keeps pushing her lies. People used to get pissed if the facts were wrong. now the media just selectively moves on to the next story. If you watch the actual video of a top headline you will see how words are dropped or added to make any candidate on the right look bad. Sadly a lot of people believe the media without any verification.
A local New Haven ( Yale area) video ran showing her during her yale days and she sounded like an extreme liberal rich kid. Her first lawyer job was a clue to the future.
Hillary Clinton ( 27 ) was asked to leave from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman. Some said she was fired but the reality is she was just asked to leave. It might have caused too much additional politics at the time to fire her.

It may be the good ones will not run because of the negative media attacks if they don't fit the NBC ideas.

Ok I'm done and guess who I'm not voting for

TBOLTRAM 12-22-2015 01:16 PM

Re: Trump
At this point she may honestly not know the difference at this point in her life.

On other hand I heard she was part of the Arkansas mafia years ago. Not sure what that means but it sounded interesting.

tsac 12-22-2015 01:46 PM

Re: Trump
There are only 34 Italians in Arkansas and she is not one.

mriff 12-22-2015 01:46 PM

Re: Trump
What difference at this point does it make!? :razz:

mriff 12-22-2015 01:48 PM

Re: Trump
She wasn't part of the mafia in Arkansas. They were there to keep Bill's philandering secret.

tsac 12-22-2015 06:59 PM

Re: Trump
Ok then 33

mriff 01-19-2016 05:23 PM

Re: Trump
Palin has endorsed Trump. My life is complete now.

TBOLTRAM 01-20-2016 07:52 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1816465)
Palin has endorsed Trump. My life is complete now.

Eh, you need to get out more.

mriff 01-20-2016 08:28 PM

Re: Trump
Trump/Palin or Palin/Trump 16!

TBOLTRAM 01-21-2016 08:01 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1816488)
Trump/Palin or Palin/Trump 16!


mriff 01-22-2016 02:01 PM

Re: Trump
I saw this reference recently. "If elected, Donald Trump would be the first President to own a strip club."

mriff 01-22-2016 02:02 PM

Re: Trump
I stand by my OP. He is a bombastic race-baiting nativist blowhard whose narcissism borders on psychopathy.

TBOLTRAM 01-23-2016 06:06 PM

Re: Trump
I read that Whoopi Goldberg said that if Trump was elected she would leave the country.

You can draw your own conclusions on this one...

mriff 01-23-2016 10:45 PM

Re: Trump
Some things would be worth the sacrifice I suppose.

tsac 01-24-2016 01:19 PM

Re: Trump
Maybe she will leave on the starship Enterprise but if she does leave I want her to take Joy Behar with her:x:x

TBOLTRAM 01-24-2016 02:48 PM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by tsac (Post 1816504)
Maybe she will leave on the starship Enterprise but if she does leave I want her to take Joy Behar with her:x:x

That would be an improvement.

mriff 01-24-2016 08:55 PM

Re: Trump
Who is Joy Behar? Is that the woman who has become famous by saying stupid stuff on that stupid daytime talk show?

TBOLTRAM 01-25-2016 07:48 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by mriff (Post 1816508)
Who is Joy Behar? Is that the woman who has become famous by saying stupid stuff on that stupid daytime talk show?

I remember I was sick one day with the flu and stayed home during the last writers strike. It was extremely obvious that without writers the women on the View did not have one.

tsac 01-25-2016 01:23 PM

Re: Trump
Behar is just one of many who tried to make it sound like she has the right answers to everything. It's so easy to predict what she will say before she opens her mouth.
I have heard Whoopi defend both sides when it was honestly something she did not agree with. I would rather have someone speak from logic and commitment than Behar who speaks out of her A-- most time.
Now we have Bloomberg entering the race because Bernie is gaining in the polls. Hillary has 6 people show up at one of her last engagements. she did not mind because she was paid $500k for the talk. she held a "women only" conference for $2700 per plate and only 50 people registered so she opened it up to men the day before. Still only has 50 attend.
Now if we could figure out how to make that much replying to Blackberry problems we would all be happy.

mriff 02-01-2016 11:12 PM

Re: Trump
The Donald got beat tonight. Strong showing by Rubio. Not so much by Jeb. Cruz has no chance going forward. At least I hope not.

NJBlackBerry 02-02-2016 06:25 AM

Re: Trump
Cruz scares me more than Trump does.
Rubio did much better than expected.
Winning Iowa is not a good indicator on getting the nomination.
A long way to go. On to New Hampshire.

TBOLTRAM 02-02-2016 08:41 AM

Re: Trump

Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry (Post 1816559)
Cruz scares me more than Trump does.
Rubio did much better than expected.
Winning Iowa is not a good indicator on getting the nomination.
A long way to go. On to New Hampshire.

I am curious as to what scares you about Cruz. I have my views but appreciate what others think and why.

Quite frankly not one of the those still standing interest me and quite a few of them scare the hell out of me.

tsac 02-02-2016 09:23 PM

Re: Trump
Trump states many things people are upset with but some of it is a bit wild.
Cruz seems to be playing to the crowd
Rubio seems logical but flips on a few things
Carson is good but does not seem to have the fire to fight back

Clinton is a full blown liar and is headed to jail if the politics does not stop the indictments
Sanders is willing to give everything to people for free thinking the top 1% will pay for it.

The bigger issue is the media is doing it's best to steer the people with the crooked level of reporting, example is the reporting Carson quit when in fact he just left to get a clean suit.

As I said before we need a few plumbers or farmers to run and dump the politicians.

mriff 02-02-2016 10:01 PM

Re: Trump
Cruz is only interested in governing by platitude. He's a scary individual. And he looks like grandpa Munster on The Addams Family.

mriff 02-04-2016 08:19 AM

Re: Trump
If anyone thought Ted Cruz was presidential material, that notion should be dispelled by now. What an underhanded thing to do to Carson on caucus night. And then he defended the actions of his team. Hard to believe the two front runners for the Republican nomination are Cruz and Trump. What happened to the Grand Old Party? I suspect those two will fall by the wayside as the process moves forward. At least I hope so.

mriff 02-04-2016 08:21 AM

Re: Trump
And how about ol' Bernie? Giving ol' Hils a run for her (considerable) money. Good for him. At least that race will be a little interesting until Hils outruns him.

TBOLTRAM 02-05-2016 09:17 AM

Re: Trump
I will give Bernie respect for likely being the only honest one running. I don't like his positions but at least he is honest. Being honest is not a good thing if you are a politician. No, I would not vote for him.

mriff 02-05-2016 03:25 PM

Re: Trump
Nah, I wouldn't either. Nor for Hils. Nor for Trump. If it ends up be Hils v Trump (unlikely) I just simply won't vote for President.

mriff 02-18-2016 12:50 PM

Re: Trump
I truly wish he would just go away.

"If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president," Trump added.

tsac 02-18-2016 10:23 PM

Re: Trump
Some of the stuff he touts is what a lot of people are thinking but some is from a guy who does not have any filters. The media changes the story to suit who knows who. Yes Bernie is honest but if you look at the real numbers
2013 40% pay no tax
2014 45% pay no tax

2014 1% pay 49% of the taxes

projected 2015 numbers per WSJ and others
53% pay no tax
top 1% pay 52%

the scary part is 46 % pay the rest. If the numbers keep going up of people who pay nothing there wont be enough people to pay for the free everything Bernie wants to give. A lot of people don't realize the issues and only see the one thing they want.

I really like the referral for those getting Social Security / Medicare as receiving something for nothing.
Ever look at the deductions for SSI and Medicare on your pay?. Free? nope, you pay in advance.

Lawmakers do pay 8 percent of their salaries into their pension system, although this only compensates for about 1/5 of the typical lifetime benefit. We cover the rest as taxpayers.

Ok the fun continues

Member of Congress began to pay into Social Security in 1983, as part of a government-wide pension overhaul.

In addition, Members of Congress DO NOT draw the “same pension” as their pay in the last year of office as suggested in a rumor circulating on the Internet; only federal judges do that under the term “retirement pay.” Still, the formula is quite generous, and, with 20-25 years, a Member of Congress could retire with up to 80 percent of his or her salary replaced. Of course, the only cap on how fast their benefits rise is the rate of increase in CPI. For this reason, Congressional pensions can and frequently do exceed a Member’s final salary, but only after a few years in retirement, when COLAS begin to kick in.

In the final analysis, Congressional pension benefits are 2-3 times more generous than what a similarly-salaried executive could expect to receive upon retiring from the private sector. That ought to be enough to concern any taxpayer or voter.

TBOLTRAM 02-19-2016 01:19 PM

Re: Trump
I find the recent spat with the Pope to be humorous. Maybe there are related.

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