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vinoykp 12-16-2010 09:36 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
An applicaton to record telephone conversation....

kjaslow 12-16-2010 05:59 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
I'm desperate for an application that will tell me data usage summarized by applicaiton. Roaming data charges are killing me, and I presume that certain apps such as BerryWeather, Facebook, AppWorld, and others that can present a status update icon might also be polling in the background. When I get my phone bill, despite my effort to not use data-hungry apps such as Google Maps, I still see an enormous number of frequent but small data charges. It looks like some app is making a data connection to the roaming network to identify any updates, but without some sort of monitoring app, I can't tell which is the culprit.

There are plenty of apps out there that will tell me overall data charges, but I have yet to see one that will tell me which apps are responsible for which data charges...

If anyone knows of such an app, please tell me!

Sierras 01-30-2011 08:52 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
For more than 10 years, Palm has dominated the PDA world and the number one software for that operating system was and still is DateBk. I've had my Bold 9650 for about a week now and nothing I can find comes close to DateBk. It would be amazing if RIM contacted CESD at Pimlico to make one for them like Handspring did for their Visor.
Of course the other missing piece for this would be something similar to Palm Desktop instead of Outlook. These two missing components keeps me from retiring my Clie.

adperdue 01-31-2011 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by kjaslow (Post 1685425)
I'm desperate for an application that will tell me data usage summarized by applicaiton. Roaming data charges are killing me, and I presume that certain apps such as BerryWeather, Facebook, AppWorld, and others that can present a status update icon might also be polling in the background. When I get my phone bill, despite my effort to not use data-hungry apps such as Google Maps, I still see an enormous number of frequent but small data charges. It looks like some app is making a data connection to the roaming network to identify any updates, but without some sort of monitoring app, I can't tell which is the culprit.

There are plenty of apps out there that will tell me overall data charges, but I have yet to see one that will tell me which apps are responsible for which data charges...

If anyone knows of such an app, please tell me!

Instead of looking for an app, try this: open network options and turn roaming data off.
Posted via Mobile

Kaerthon 02-01-2011 07:08 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
blackberry version of pocketcloud remote desktop software.

terrymc 06-21-2011 10:17 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?

Originally Posted by JSanders (Post 937731)
Give me some ideas... what is the biggest application need out there in our BlackBerry world (that hasn't already been filled)?

List them here--I am curious as to need, not debate over whether "everyone" needs that application, but just your need.

Such as, examples:
-Automatic TimeZone Change application
-Threaded SMS viewer
-Automatic wallpaper changer


I can't find for the life of me an app that allows you to "send" a test to more than 10 people on blackberry 9700 att. The only ones are ones that use your pc or internet . Iphone, Droid, both have MANY of these, Handcent, Groupy , Chompsms, etc. Cmon RIM can't you guys unlock the 10 contact max. I can put as many people as I want in a "group" and emailing is fine, but texting says "limited to 10".

jsconyers 06-22-2011 10:13 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?

Originally Posted by terrymc (Post 1728849)
I can't find for the life of me an app that allows you to "send" a test to more than 10 people on blackberry 9700 att. The only ones are ones that use your pc or internet . Iphone, Droid, both have MANY of these, Handcent, Groupy , Chompsms, etc. Cmon RIM can't you guys unlock the 10 contact max. I can put as many people as I want in a "group" and emailing is fine, but texting says "limited to 10".

Send a text to that group and all members will get it.

Atticus 07-20-2011 05:32 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
for my Torch 9800:

Flash support in the BB browser
SiriusXM for BB Torch (seriously, what's the hold up???)


ndub33 07-20-2011 05:36 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
OK, so this is really not going appeal to the majority, but why is it taking so long for ESPN ScroeCenter to be availible for BlackBerry? iOS and Andriod have had it forever.

blackberryfreeware 08-21-2011 03:42 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
Mac, Windows and linux version of BBM (imagine the attention Blackberry will get). Even a web base version of BBM will do.
Posted via Mobile

arieltf 11-23-2011 04:18 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?

Originally Posted by MrLogical (Post 1756434)
I would like to see remote control/Administration software for a PC.

RDM+ makes remote desktop software for mobile devices. It isn't true RDP (you go through their servers), but it works pretty well.

Is that what you are looking for?


wynandd 11-28-2011 03:51 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
Call recorder.... Don't worry, I'm in South Africa so it's not illegal here! Want to record when my boss shouts at me, as if I'm a dog!

jpendyk 02-02-2012 11:10 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
I would love to see an app that would allow me to track hockey shots on net for my kids' hockey teams. There are apps out there for Android and apple devices but nothing for BB.

OlderThanDirt 02-25-2012 11:32 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
Has anyone ever developed a magnifying glass app for old eyes? Ordering in a dark restaurant from a menu printed on parchment paper or reading the newspaper is getting difficult.
Please help
If you were really good you could write code to use the LED for an illuminated magnifying glass

MajorRoboto 02-27-2012 06:23 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?

Originally Posted by Atticus (Post 1733729)
for my Torch 9800:
Flash support in the BB browser

Hey man,

I would not even think the little thing would run well with flash on it. Flash is crap if you ask me. Makes any cpu work harder then it should. Just by being on web pages.

Flash is crap. Once advertising companys got use of it it became crap.

If anything is implemented you should have to click where the flash box is for the element to load.

jdstickman 04-18-2012 10:01 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
I would like an app that works with the "Nike Fuelband" and a BB Bold 9900 and also the Playbook.

voipser 05-31-2012 04:04 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
Hi, is there any APP on blackberry that works with my provider?

blackberryfreeware 10-11-2012 04:19 PM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
i am really hoping more better quality games for kids. file browser app that allows me access a workgroup and copy files directly to my playbook.

RRRitta 10-12-2012 08:48 AM

Re: What is your "most" wanted, unwritten application?
Change location flag on BBM

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